10.30 AM EST is equivalent to 8:00 PM IST on the same day.
11 am EST is 9:30 pm IST on the same day. India Standard Time (IST) is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
1.45 PM EST is 11.15 PM IST. India is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.
10am EST in Canada is 8:30pm IST the same day. Canada is 9.5 hours behind IST.
EST is GMT -5. 9:00 AM GMT would be 4:00 AM EST.
its 8.00 PM IST u have to add 10.30 hrs to 9.30 AM EST to get IST so it comes to 8.00 PM IST
10.30 AM EST is equivalent to 8:00 PM IST on the same day.
11 am EST is 9:30 pm IST on the same day. India Standard Time (IST) is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
1.45 PM EST is 11.15 PM IST. India is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.
its 8.00 PM IST u have to add 10.30 hrs to 9.30 AM EST to get IST so it comes to 8.00 PM IST
3:30 a.m
10am EST in Canada is 8:30pm IST the same day. Canada is 9.5 hours behind IST.
EST is GMT -5. 9:00 AM GMT would be 4:00 AM EST.
When it's 8 PM EST on the American continent, it's either 2 AM IST or 1 AM GMT in Ireland, either 3 AM IST or 4 AM IDT in Israel and 6:30 AM IST in India.
That depends on the EST; there are two of them. If it's 4:30 PM EST in North America or the Caribbean, it's 3:00 AM IST (the next day) in India. If it's 4:30 PM EST in Australia, it's noon IST in India.
7 pm EST is 5:30 am IST the next day in India. India is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
India is in the IST time zone, which does not observe daylight savings, (GMT +5.30) putting it 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead of the EST time zone which does observe daylight savings. Therefore, 8am in EST is 7.30pm in IST outside daylight savings and 6.30pm during.