Couradda, New South Wales
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
New Orleans, Louisiana has a latitude near 30 degrees and a longitude around 90 degrees.
Couradda, New South Wales
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
the latitude is 50 North and the Longitude is 30 West..
New Orleans, Louisiana has a latitude near 30 degrees and a longitude around 90 degrees.
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)
The continent that lies at 30 degrees south latitude and 120 degrees east longitude is Australia.