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Argon is a noble gas, meaning it has eight electrons in its valence shell, so it does not react with other elements. It is a gas at room temperature, as is the rest of its family.

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Q: What is 2 family traits of the element argon?
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Where does the element symbol for argon come from?

The element symbol for argon, Ar, is derived from the first two letters of the element's name.

Which is the most unreactive element out of these 1. cheese 2. magnesium 3. francium 4. argon?

Argon is the most unreactive in this series. Cheese is not an element; it is a mixture of compounds.

What is the electronic configuration of an element with 18 atomic number?

The element is Argon. Its configuration is 2 8 8.

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The element is sulfur with 16 electrons. It gains two electrons to form sulfide ion which has 18 electrons as that of argon.

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When full the innermost electron shell of argon contains how many electrons?

The innermost electron shell of argon, which is occupied first, contains a total of 2 electrons.

What is the abbreviated electron configuration for argon?

The abbreviated electron configuration for argon is [Ne] 3s^2 3p^6. The [Ne] represents the electron configuration of the noble gas neon, which has the same electron configuration as the inner electrons of argon.

When was argon first discovered?

Argon was first discovered in 1894 by scientists Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh. They identified it as a new element in a sample of atmospheric nitrogen.

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The element described has more valence electrons than oxygen but fewer than neon, more protons than sodium but fewer than argon. This element is magnesium, which has 12 protons, 12 valence electrons (2 more than oxygen but 2 less than neon), and is situated between sodium and argon on the periodic table.

What element has 10 electrons when it form an anion with a 2 negative charge.?

The element with 10 electrons in its neutral state is neon (atomic number 10). When it forms an anion with a 2- charge, it gains 2 electrons to have a total of 12 electrons, taking on the electron configuration of the noble gas, argon.