It is Romania.
The nation located at approximately 45 north latitude and 25 east longitude is Romania.
The coordinates 25 degrees north latitude and 51 degrees east longitude point to the country of Iran.
The city at 25 degrees north latitude and 67 degrees east longitude is Karachi, Pakistan.
With some borders falling outside these coordinates, the heart of Libya is a rectangle that runs from 25 degrees North latitude to 30 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees East longitude and 25 degrees East longitude. The geographic center of Libya is 25 degree North latitude and 17 East longitude.
25 North would be the latitude. 45 east would be the longitude.
It is Romania.
It is Romania.
Bucharest latitude: 440 25' 57" north Bucharest longitude: 260 6'14" east
25 north latitude and 80 west longitude is actually water, about 60-70 km east from coasts of Miami.
65 degrees north and 25 degrees east
The nation located at approximately 45 north latitude and 25 east longitude is Romania.
The coordinates 25 degrees north latitude and 51 degrees east longitude point to the country of Iran.
The city at 25 degrees north latitude and 67 degrees east longitude is Karachi, Pakistan.
50°05'19" North latitude 14° 25′ east longitude