The latitude and longitude of Kanpur, India is approximately 26.4499° N, 80.3319° E.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
Latitude : 10° 48' 18'' (i.e. 10 degree - 48 minutes - 18 seconds) - NORTH Longitude : 78° 41' 7'' (i.e. 78 degree-41 minutes - 7 seconds) - EAST
The latitude and longitude coordinates for Lascaux Caves in France are approximately 45.0514° N, 1.1859° E.
Christmas Island is located at approximately 10.4806° S latitude and 105.2631° E longitude.
The country located at latitude 20°N and longitude 80°E is India.
Latitude: 10°20′S to 27°SLongitude: 30°10′E to 40°10′E
Latitude: N 13° 3' 37.5192", Longitude: E 80° 14' 58.4988"
Latitude: N 13° 3' 37.5192", Longitude: E 80° 14' 58.4988"
The latitude and longitude of Kanpur, India is approximately 26.4499° N, 80.3319° E.
80 E is India.
Latitude: 55°47′N Longitude: 49°10′E
Latitude: N 59° 54' 49.9277" | Longitude: E 10° 45' 8.0834"
Latitude: N 55° 10' 9.9768", Longitude: E 23° 52' 52.59"
Latitude: N 43° 42' 58.0874", Longitude: E 10° 23' 47.7035"
Latitude: N 60° 10' 11.325" | Longitude: E 24° 56' 17.6644"
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.