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The microscope

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Q: What instrument is needed to see a one-celled organism?
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What instrument would a scientist use to see a micro-organism?

A microscope would be used to see micro-organisms. Microscopes use lenses to magnify objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. There are different types of microscopes, such as light microscopes and electron microscopes, that can be used depending on the size and detail needed to study the micro-organism.

What is a sentence for unicelluar?

A unicellular organism, such as bacteria or amoeba, consists of only one cell that performs all necessary functions for its survival.

Can we see yeast in your naked eyes?

no we can not see them they are micro organism

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What is an instrument you use to see a cell?

A microscope.

What is a instrument used to see cells?


What is the instrument that can be heard we do not see and do not touch?

the voice

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Why do you need a microscope to see a unicellular organism?

we need microscope to see unicellular organism because they are very small

Where is a instrument panel in a 2006 corolla?

sitting in the drivers seat where you see your speedometer that area is your instrument panel

What instrument can be heard but can not see nor touched?

A voice is an instrument that can be heard but cannot be seen or touched.

How do you replace instrument panel lights?

you take apart the dash and get to the instrument panel. then you take the instrument panel out and on the back of the panel you'll will see the lights