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All the inner planets are like that

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3w ago

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are considered the inner planets of our solar system, and they are all characterized as hard and rocky terrestrial planets. They have solid surfaces made up of metal and rock materials, unlike the outer planets which are predominantly composed of gases and liquids.

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How are the inner planets different then the outer planets how?

The inner planets have rocky, hard surfaces, are small, and have a more presentage of containing metal objects.

Which is not true in the inner planets?

The inner planets are closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets, have solid rocky surfaces, and are smaller in size compared to the outer planets.

What do the inner planets consit of?

The inner planets are rocky and the outer planets are gas giants.

Are the inner planets made of rocks?

Yes, the inner planets of our solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are primarily made of rock and metal. They have solid surfaces composed of materials like silicate rock and metal ores.

Is outer planets made of heavier material than a inner planet?

No because the inner planets are made of rocky and hard substances and the outer planets are made of gassy lighter substances.

What are the rock planets?

The Rocky Planets, or Inner Planets, include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Is Mercury rocky or gaseous?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

what is another name for the inner planet?

Terrestrial Planets, or Rocky Planets.

Inner planets compared to outer planets?

The inner planets, also known as terrestrial planets, are smaller, rocky planets located closer to the Sun. They include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. In contrast, the outer planets, also known as gas giants, are larger, gaseous planets located farther from the Sun. They include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Why are the inner planets known as the rocky planets?

they are rocky and have terrain areas the rest of the planets are all gas

Are the inner planets rocky or gassy?

The inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are rocky planets. They have solid surfaces and are mainly composed of rock and metal.

How are the four outer planets alike?

The four outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are similar in that they are all gas giants composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. They are also larger than the inner terrestrial planets and have ring systems and numerous moons. Additionally, they all have rapid rotation rates and strong magnetic fields.