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Alpha napthol and a mixture of creatine with KOH

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3mo ago

In the Voges-Proskauer test, the indicator used to determine glucose or lactose fermentation is alpha-naphthol and potassium hydroxide (KOH). These reagents react with the acetoin produced during the fermentation process, resulting in a pink or red color change if the organism is positive for acetoin production.

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Q: What indicator is used to determine glucose or lactose in voges proskauer test?
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What Disaccharide is produced by combining glucose and galactose?

Lactose is the disaccharide produced by combining glucose and galactose.

Does coke have lactose in it?

Cola is lactose free it has no lactose it has glucose in it !

How is glucose an important factor in lactose synthesis?

Glucose is important for lactose synthesis because it provides the substrate for the enzyme lactose synthase to combine with galactose to form lactose. Without glucose, there would not be enough substrate available for lactose synthesis to occur efficiently. Additionally, glucose can stimulate the production of lactose synthase enzyme, further promoting lactose synthesis in mammary glands.

What monosaccharides make up lactose?

Lactose is composed of two monosaccharides: glucose and galactose.

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Word equation for lactase hydrolyze lactose into glucose?

Lactase catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose into glucose and galactose. This process can be represented by the following word equation: Lactose + Water → Glucose + Galactose.

Which enzyme catabolyzes lactose sugar into monosacharides?

lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and glucose monomers.

Which monosaccharide is found in sucrose lactose and maltose?

The monosaccharide found in sucrose, lactose, and maltose is glucose.

What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?

When a molecule of lactose is hydrolyzed the monomers that had linked together to form lactose will be pulled away from each other through the addition of lactose. Lactose is made from GLUCOSE AND GALACTOSE, henceforth these two monomers will emerge through the hydrolysis of lactose. Hope this helps...

What two molecules are used to make glucose?

Sucrose and Lactose. Sucrose is made from glucose and fructose, and Lactose is made from glucose and galactose. Hope this helps! (:

Which enzyme converts lactose to glucose and lactose?

The enzyme that converts lactose to glucose and galactose is lactase. Lactase is located in the brush border of the small intestine where it breaks down lactose into its two component sugars, glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Does milk have glucose and why?

Milk contains lactose, which is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose. Lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase in the body into its monosaccharide components, glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.