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Salivary glands produce enzymes that break down food molecules, releasing flavor compounds that interact with taste receptors on the tongue. Saliva also contains proteins and electrolytes that can enhance or mask certain flavors.

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Q: What in saliva absorbs the flavor?
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What does sugar do to pastry?

Sugar sweetens the flavor and absorbs

What substance must mix with food to give it flavor?

Salt has no flavor of its own and mixing it with any food will enhance the flavor of that food.

What is the independent variable in the tootsie pop lab?

Your tongue, your saliva, the flavor of the Tootsie Pop you chose

Does saliva get absorbed in the large intestine?

The large intestine absorbs water from the solid wastes remaining after digestion. Some very small percentage of this water certainly came from swallowed saliva.

What is the dependent variable in the Tootsie Roll Pop lab?

Your tongue,your saliva,and The flavor of the tootsie pop you chose

Why does gum lose it's flavor?

Gum loses its flavor due to the flavoring molecules breaking down over time and exposure to saliva and air. As the molecules disperse, the taste becomes less intense until it eventually fades completely.

How long does nicorette gum flavor last?

Nicorette's flavor lasts about as long as traditional chewing gum. It varies by person to person however because of the speed at which different people chew as well as the amount of saliva an individual produces.

Why is the flavor of the gum only last for a certain amount of time?

Your saliva dissolves the source of the flavour after so long, taking away the sugars, flavours, etc.

How can you make marijuana go away from saliva?

Use something strong such as soda, Coke is preferable because the carbonation somehow absorbs the smell and taste and it has a strong taste, after u rinse your mouth out with that u can alwsy brush your teeth or just use some gum.

Why do chips taste sweet if you keep on chewing them?

The process of digestion begins in the mouth. As you chew foods, you release saliva into your mouth. Your saliva begins to convert starches into sugars before the food even gets to your stomach, so the starch in the chips begins to taste sweeter as you chew it. The flavor turns sweeter the longer you chew to mix in your saliva and cause the conversion to begin.

Which best describes what happens to a cracker inside the mouth?

When a cracker is placed in the mouth, it is crunched by the teeth and mixed with saliva. The saliva starts breaking down the starches in the cracker, making it softer and releasing its flavor. Eventually, the cracker is swallowed and continues its journey through the digestive system.