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Q: What in a mutation called where the base pair is removed?
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A change in a single nucleotide in DNA-?

A mutation

A change in a single base pair of the DNA molecule that affects the synthesis of an entire protein is called what?

point mutation.

A change in a single base pair of the DNA molecule that affects the synthesis of an entire protein is called...?

a point mutation

If a base is inserted or deleted What is the mutation?

In insertion mutations, an extra base pair is added, and in a deletion, a base pair is taken out (omitted).

A random change in the base sequence of DNA resulting in the production of a defective protein is called?

A random change in the base sequence of DNA resulting in the production of a defective protein is called a mutation. Mutations can lead to changes in the amino acid sequence of a protein, affecting its structure and function.

A base-pair substitution is the replacement of one base-pair with another base-pair is what type of mutation?

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What type of mutation when a nucleotide is dropped from a DNA sequence?

A deletion mutation occurs when a nucleotide is dropped from a DNA sequence. This can cause a shift in the reading frame, leading to a non-functional protein being produced.

Which base substituion would more likely be a silent mutation?

A base substitution that changes the third nucleotide in a codon is more likely to be a silent mutation. This is because the genetic code is redundant, meaning that different codons can code for the same amino acid. Therefore, a change in the third position of the codon may not result in a change in the amino acid sequence.

What type of mutation is a point mutation?

A point mutation is a type of mutation that involves a change in a single nucleotide in the DNA sequence. This can result in different types of mutations such as substitutions, insertions, or deletions of nucleotides.

Does the base Guanine always pair to Adenine?

In transfer RNA, yes, unless there is a mutation.

If a nucleotide pair were removed from a gene what would be affected?

If a nucleotide pair were to be removed from a gene, it would cause a frameshift mutation. This would alter the reading frame of the gene, leading to a change in the amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by that gene. This could potentially result in a nonfunctional or altered protein.

The mismatch of a DNA base pair during duplication can result in a mutation?

Yes, when a DNA base pair is mismatched during duplication, it can lead to a mutation in the DNA sequence. This can cause changes in the protein produced, potentially impacting the function of the gene and, ultimately, the organism.