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The equator

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Levi White

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Q: What important parallel of latitude does the Kuroshio current cross?
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Which two ocean currents are both warm currents that primarily flow away from the equator?

The Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Current are both warm ocean currents that primarily flow away from the equator. The Gulf Stream flows from the Gulf of Mexico across the North Atlantic Ocean, while the Kuroshio Current flows along the eastern coast of Japan.

Where is the East and West current?

The East Australian Current flows southward along Australia's east coast in the Pacific Ocean. The Kuroshio Current flows northward along Japan's east coast in the western North Pacific Ocean.

What type of an electrical circuit has more than one current branch?

A parallel circuit has more than one current branch. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected in separate paths to the voltage source, allowing for multiple current paths and different current levels through each branch.

The three surface currents of the ocean?

The three major surface currents of the ocean are the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Southern Ocean. These currents play a significant role in redistributing heat around the globe and influencing regional climates.

Does amperage increase as the number of bulbs in a parallel circuit increase?

In a parallel circuit, the total amperage increases as the number of bulbs increases because the current has multiple paths to flow through. Each bulb offers a separate path that allows more current to flow. In a parallel circuit, adding more bulbs decreases the total resistance, allowing more current to pass through.

Related questions

Is the kuroshio current warm or cold?

The Kuroshio Current is warm. It is a nutrient-rich warm ocean current that flows along the eastern coast of Japan.

Is the kuroshio a warm or cold ocean current?

it has a warm current

What current brings warm water to the coast of Japan?

The Kuroshio Current.

Where is the Kuroshio Current?

it is in north pacific ocean (oceangraphy).

What is the name of the current off the east coast of North America?

kuroshio current

Is kuroshio current affected bythe uranium in the west north pacific ocean?

Any relation !!

Which two ocean currents are both warm currents that primarily flow away from the equator?

The Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Current are both warm ocean currents that primarily flow away from the equator. The Gulf Stream flows from the Gulf of Mexico across the North Atlantic Ocean, while the Kuroshio Current flows along the eastern coast of Japan.

Where is the East and West current?

The East Australian Current flows southward along Australia's east coast in the Pacific Ocean. The Kuroshio Current flows northward along Japan's east coast in the western North Pacific Ocean.

What is a current that travels near and parallel to the shore line?

A current that runs parallel to the shoreline is called a rip tide or rip current.

Why current gets divided in parallel combination but not in series combination?

Current travels in loops. In series you have one loop, or path for current to take. With parallel connections, there's at least two. This is why current divides in parallel and not in series.

What is the hypothesis for parallel circuits?

In a parallel circuit, the hypothesis is that when components are connected in parallel, the total current flowing into the junction equals the total current flowing out. Essentially, the hypothesis states that the total current remains constant regardless of the number of parallel paths.

How the current flow in parallel connection?

In a parallel circuit, the current flow is independent in each branch.