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go to a specialist

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3w ago

If a salt and ice burn becomes infected, it is important to seek medical attention. The infection may require a prescription for antibiotics to clear up. Additionally, keeping the wound clean and covered can help prevent further complications.

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Q: What if your salt and ice burn gets infected?
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How long do you hold the ice down on an ice burn?

It depends, salt increases the speed of the burn and the intensity. I would say approximately 2minutes (with salt)

Which water gets warmer first salt water or ice water?

The salt water gets warmer faster then the ice water, because salt water is in the sun and the salt water is heated by the sun.

What happens if you peel from salt and ice?

It gives you a freezer burn

Why do you get a burn on your skin when you put table salt on it and cover it with regular ice?

This kind of burn is called an Alkaline burn. Salt is an Alkali, and when put on the skin and covered with ice the combination removes moisture from the top layer of skin. The Alkaline nature of the salt then burns the skin more readily since it's now been dehydrated from both the ice and salt combination.

How do you cure the salt and ice challenge burn?

Put Warm Water On It.

How long does it take for ice and salt burn to go away?


What does the salt and ice challenge cause?

THE salt and ice challenge can cause major damage to skin and also cause new fresh skin to burn off the salt and ice challenge is dangerous and will definitely leave a mark the salt and ice challenge can also make your skin burn and sting for quite a while i don't recommend the salt and ice challenge for anyone so please don't put yourself in danger!!

How do you do the ice and salt challenge?

You take a ice cube and some salt. First pour some salt on your arm and then put the ice cube on top and let it sit there for about 45 seconds. You will feel the burn.

What happens to a salt and ice burn after a while?

Usually it'll blister and then scar.

When you put salt and ice together will it burn your skin?

Combining salt and ice will make very cold, salty water, which is quite uncomfortable if you get it on your skin. This could be described as a burning cold. Actually, the answer is yes. The chemical reaction from the salt melting the ice will cause a rash to appear on your skin. If you put salt on your hand then place an ice cube on the salt, the resulting chemical reaction will burn you.

What do you do if your hangnail gets infected and disappears then your finger gets red and sore and hot?

Put ice on it, and it that doesn't help, take it to the doctor. They will know what to do!

What happens when you do the salt and ice challenge?

When you put a 20 degree cold ice cube with salt it becomes colder because it turns to salt water. Now it is about -20 degrees on your skin. What you get is a form of frostbite that turns into a burn. I would say the burn will be there for about a week to ten days or maybe less.