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Q: What if your microbiology lab maintains reference bacterial cultures which are regularly transferred to new nutrient agar slants. After incubation the slants were observed and the result indicated tha?
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The DNA-containing region of this bacterial cell is indicated by the letter?

The DNA-containing region of a bacterial cell is indicated by the letter "C", where the bacterial chromosome is located.

What clues did bacterial transformation yield about the gene?

Bacterial transformation demonstrated that DNA was responsible for transferring genetic material between bacteria. This finding indicated that genes could be transferred horizontally between different organisms, providing evidence for genetic exchange and evolution. Additionally, the ability to manipulate and introduce genes into bacteria paved the way for genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Tetracycline is what kind of bacteria?

Tetracycline is not a type of bacteria, but rather a broad-spectrum polyketide antibiotic produced by the bacteria Actinobacteria Streptomyces, indicated for use against many bacterial infections.

Does University of Moncton offers masters degree in microbiology in English?

I could not find any indication that the university offers programs of study in English. However, you might want to contact them directly. The University link is indicated below.

Why did Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek make the microscope?

Anthony van Leeuwenhoek made the microscope to better examine the quality of cloth for his drapery business. He later used it to observe samples of water, plants, and animal tissues, leading to his groundbreaking discoveries in microbiology.

Should Ciprofloxacin be used in children?

Yes. It can be used for bacterial diarrhoea in kids. In fact, this can be only indication to use the ciprofloxacin in children. Drug must be stopped as soon as you get the relief. So that resistance to the drug do not develops. ( No course is indicated in diarrhoea.)

Where did Virginia Hamilton go to college?

She attended Antioch College and then transferred to Ohio State University.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.

How long when they are fever free with the flu are they contagious?

The US CDC has indicated that after 24 straight hours without a fever measured with a thermometer (while not taking any fever reducers) people can return to work and school and are considered no longer contagious. See the related question below about the incubation period and stages of a flu infection.

How do you round as indicated?

The answer depends on what is indicated.

What does indicated?

Indicated means to point out or show

Dr didn't know if eye infection viral or bacterial He prescribed Ciloxam.Is that dangerous to use if it turns out to be a viral infection Also he prescribed a Z-pack for sinus infection Good combo?

The antibiotic will not harm you if it turns out it is not bacterial, but it won't do you any good either. In your case, it is probably very difficult to determine if it is viral or bacterial. For school aged kids (or even adults going to work), the school usually requires the child to have at least 24 hours of an antibiotic when diagnosed with conjunctivitis (pink eye) - whether it is bacterial or not. Z-pak (alone) is indicated for sinus infections that have become bacterial infections. Z-pak plus bacterial sinus infection is a good combo. Z-pak and your other antibiotic taken together will not make your sinus infection better quicker than the Z-pak alone. Ciloxan opthalmic ointment or drops will not interact with the Z-pak, either (not harmful taken together).

What are the indicated calculations of 5043250400 50320?

There are no calculations indicated.