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Q: What if planet has twice the mass of Earth its radius would have to be larger by a factor of 2 for the gravitational field strength at the planet and surface to be the same as on Earth and surface t?
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Is there any relationship between the mass of a planet and its gravitational field strength?

Yes, there is a relationship between the mass of a planet and its gravitational field strength. The greater the mass of a planet, the stronger its gravitational field strength will be. Gravity is directly proportional to mass, so planets with more mass will have a stronger gravitational pull.

Why is the gravitational field strength of earth and moon are different?

The gravitational field strength of Earth and the Moon differs because each celestial body has its own mass and radius. Earth is more massive and has a larger radius compared to the Moon, leading to a stronger gravitational field on Earth. The gravitational field strength decreases with distance from the center of the body, so being closer to Earth results in a stronger gravitational pull compared to being closer to the Moon.

Do all planets have the same gravitational field strength as earth?

No, the gravitational field strength on each planet depends on its mass and radius. For example, Jupiter has a stronger gravitational field than Earth due to its larger mass, while Mars has a weaker gravitational field because it is smaller and less massive than Earth.

How does the gravitational force on the surface of jupiter compares to the gravitational force on the surface of earth?

The gravitational force on the surface of Jupiter is approximately 2.5 times stronger than the gravitational force on the surface of Earth. This is because Jupiter is a much larger and more massive planet than Earth, resulting in a stronger gravitational pull.

Which statements about the ratio of cell surface area to cell volume is are correct?

As cell volume increases, the ratio of cell surface area to cell volume decreases. This is because the surface area increases by a square factor while the volume increases by a cube factor. A higher surface area to volume ratio is more favorable for efficient nutrient exchange and waste removal in cells.

Related questions

What affect does mass have on the strength of a gravitational force?

The strength of the gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses. This means that the greater the mass of the objects, the greater the gravitational force between them.

Why does earth excert o stronger gravitational force than the moon?

It exerts a stronger force on us (when we are on it's surface) for two reasons: 1. It has a larger mass (gravitational field strength increases with mass). 2. It is closer (gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the object's centre of gravity).

Is there any relationship between the mass of a planet and its gravitational field strength?

Yes, there is a relationship between the mass of a planet and its gravitational field strength. The greater the mass of a planet, the stronger its gravitational field strength will be. Gravity is directly proportional to mass, so planets with more mass will have a stronger gravitational pull.

Why is the gravitational field strength of earth and moon are different?

The gravitational field strength of Earth and the Moon differs because each celestial body has its own mass and radius. Earth is more massive and has a larger radius compared to the Moon, leading to a stronger gravitational field on Earth. The gravitational field strength decreases with distance from the center of the body, so being closer to Earth results in a stronger gravitational pull compared to being closer to the Moon.

Do all planets have the same gravitational field strength as earth?

No, the gravitational field strength on each planet depends on its mass and radius. For example, Jupiter has a stronger gravitational field than Earth due to its larger mass, while Mars has a weaker gravitational field because it is smaller and less massive than Earth.

What affect does mass have on strength of a gravitational force?

The larger the mass, the stronger the gravitational force.

Where is the strengh of gravitational forcen in the poles or equator?

If the Earth were a (homogeneous) sphere, the gravitational force on its surface would be the same everywhere. I think that the gravitational force is slightly larger at the equator (center bulging Earth). But you might not measure it because of the rotation of the Earth.

How much stronger is the Sun's gravity than the Earth's?

The sun's gravity is approximately 28 times stronger than the Earth's gravity. This means that objects on the surface of the sun would experience 28 times the gravitational force compared to objects on the surface of the Earth.

How is the gravitational field due to the stone related to that due to earth?

The gravitational field due to the stone is much weaker than that due to Earth because of the difference in mass between the two objects. The strength of the gravitational field depends on the mass of the object creating it, so Earth's gravitational field is much stronger due to its significantly larger mass compared to the stone.

Is the size of a wave affected by the strength of the wind?

Yes, the size of a wave is affected by the strength of the wind. Stronger winds will generate larger waves, and calmer winds will result in smaller waves. The longer the wind blows over the water's surface, the larger the waves can become.

Is gravitational force is stronger or weaker?

Gravitational force is weaker than other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetic and nuclear forces. Its strength depends on the masses of the objects involved and the distance between them.

Does a larger object have a weaker gravitational force?

No, the gravitational force between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. Larger objects usually have more mass, resulting in a stronger gravitational force.