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Q: What if a person tells you that a reaction must have stopped because the amounts of products and reactants have not changed what is wrong with the persons reasoning?
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If a reaction occurs what will be the products of the unbalanced reaction below?

The amounts of reactants and products are not mentioned.dark

How can you know if the reaction is stoichiometry?

You can determine if a reaction is stoichiometric by comparing the balanced chemical equation to the actual amounts of reactants and products in the reaction. If the amounts of reactants and products are in the exact ratios as predicted by the balanced equation, then the reaction is stoichiometric.

A chemical reaction that shows only the formulas but not the relative amounts of the reactants and products is an?

Skeleton equations do not show the relative amounts of reactants and products (are "unbalanced"). Balanced equations do show the relative amounts of the reactants and products.

Why don't the amount of reactants and products change in a reversible reaction?

The "amounts" of reactants and products DO change in a reversible reaction. What doesn't change is the concentration of these reactants and products AT EQUILIBRIUM. And also what does not change is the total mass of the system.

Why the amount of reactants and product change in a reversible reaction?

The "amounts" of reactants and products DO change in a reversible reaction. What doesn't change is the concentration of these reactants and products AT EQUILIBRIUM. And also what does not change is the total mass of the system.

Are the amounts of reactants and products equal when equilibrium is reached?

At equilibrium, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, but the amounts of reactants and products may not be equal. The concentrations of reactants and products can vary depending on the specific equilibrium constant for the reaction.

What would be investigated in reaction stoichiometry?

Reaction stoichiometry investigates the relationships between the amounts of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. It helps determine the ideal ratio of reactants required for a complete reaction and predict the amounts of products produced. By understanding reaction stoichiometry, scientists can optimize reactions for efficiency and yield.

How are reactants and products related?

they both involve important things

What are three facts about a chemical reaction are provided by a chemical equation?

A chemical equation provides information about the reactants involved in the reaction, the products formed, and the stoichiometry of the reaction (i.e., the relative amounts of reactants and products). It also shows the balance of atoms on both sides of the equation, ensuring the law of conservation of mass is followed.

What part of stoichiometry allows you to predict outcomes?

Stoichiometry involves using balanced chemical equations to relate the quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. By applying stoichiometry, one can predict the amounts of products formed in a reaction based on the amounts of reactants used. This helps in determining the theoretical yield of a reaction.

A skeleton equation shows just the reactants and products whereas a balanced equation shows the?

A balanced equation shows the relative amounts of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction by ensuring that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation.

A what equation is one in which the relative amounts of the reactants and products are not indicated?

A balanced equation is one in which the relative amounts of reactants and products are not specified. This type of equation only shows the chemical formulas of the substances involved in the reaction.