1. We would definitely get an awesome show.
2. A handsome new crater on the moon.
3. That is really about it.
There is no relationship whatsoever between Earth's moon and any comet.
The moon is larger than Halley's comet. Halley's comet has a nucleus that is only a few kilometers wide, while the moon has a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers.
major massive destructions
Obviously, the Universe is the biggest of that lot. Next biggest is "galaxy", then solar system, then star, then moon. A comet is usually bigger than a meteorite, but not always.
there is no such thing as a moon it is just a huge comet and will hit the earth at 12:00 tonite
No, Halley's comet is not bigger than the Moon. Halley's comet is a few kilometers in size, whereas the Moon has a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers.
There is a theory that suggests a comet hit the earth and possible broke off a chunk creating the moon.
There is no relationship whatsoever between Earth's moon and any comet.
The moon is larger than Halley's comet. Halley's comet has a nucleus that is only a few kilometers wide, while the moon has a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers.
No. A comet orbits a star such as the sun. In order to be a moon it must orbit a planet or some similar body.
We don't currently know when a comet will hit planet Earth.
No, a comet will NOT hit earth in 2012.
It would spin out of earths orbit. And most likely hit a planet, star, comet, or keep on going.
Jupiter. Jupiter was hit in 1994 by a comet called Shoemaker Levy9.