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Natural Selection

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Darwin's idea of common descent and natural selection posits that all living organisms share a common ancestor and that genetic changes that improve an organism's ability to survive and reproduce are passed down to future generations. This forms the basis of his theory of evolution.

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Q: What idea of Darwin's based on fossils and the modern organisms he found basically says that genetic changes are inherited by later generation?
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What idea of Darwins based on fossils and the modern organisms he found basically says that genetic changes are inherited are inherited by later generations?

The ideas of descent with modification are based on fossils and the modern organisms he found basically says that genetic changes are inherited by later generations.

What idea of Darwins based on fossils and the modern organisms he found basically says that genetic changes are inherited by later generations?

decent with modification

What idea of Darwins based on fossils and the modern organisms he found basically says that genetics changes are inherited by later generations?

Darwin's idea of descent with modification, based on his observations of fossils and modern organisms, suggests that genetic changes accumulated over generations are inherited by offspring and lead to the evolution of species over time. This concept formed the basis for his theory of natural selection, which explains how advantageous genetic variations can become more prevalent in populations over successive generations.

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What does Darwins Theory of Evolution say?

Darwin's Theory of Evolution states that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce within their environment. Over time, this process leads to the gradual change and divergence of species.

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What of Mendels conclusions is a necessary foundation for Darwins theory of natural selection?

Mendel's conclusion on the segregation and independent assortment of traits laid the groundwork for Darwin's theory of natural selection by providing a mechanism for how variation is passed down from one generation to the next. This understanding of how traits are inherited allowed Darwin to propose that natural selection acts on this variation to drive the evolution of populations.

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Which one of the following statements best illastatues one of Darwins theory of natural selection?

The statement "organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce" best illustrates Darwin's theory of natural selection. This concept highlights the idea that individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation, leading to the gradual evolution of populations over time.

Who inspired Darwins?

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