Go to the beach.
The long-term average of temperature and precipitation in an area constitutes its climate. This information is used to classify different regions based on their climate types, such as tropical, arid, temperate, or polar. Understanding the climate of an area helps in predicting weather patterns and potential impacts on ecosystems and human activities.
A tropical climate does not have a winter season.
tropical savanna
Go to the beach.
The climate can indeed affect human activities such as agriculture which can only be done in conducive regions. The climate also affects social and political activities of human beings.
You're a dork!
Tropical Climate
Tropical savanna
Tropical and sub tropical climate
peacocks are decreasing in no. because of climate and human activities
The long-term average of temperature and precipitation in an area constitutes its climate. This information is used to classify different regions based on their climate types, such as tropical, arid, temperate, or polar. Understanding the climate of an area helps in predicting weather patterns and potential impacts on ecosystems and human activities.
A tropical climate does not have a winter season.
no the climate of andhra pradesh is tropical
The climate is a tropical climate.