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Nucleolus is in nucleus.Chromosomes,ribosomal compartments,enzymes etc also found.

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Q: What hold them inside the nucleus?
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What are carried inside a nucleus?

The nucleus directs the cells activities but the nucleolus is inside the nucleus and inside the nucleolus is chromatin and in a basic answer cells hold your DNA

What is the cell structure inside the nucleus?

The main cell structures inside the nucleus are the chromosomes, which are made up of DNA and proteins. Additionally, you can find the nucleolus, where ribosomes are assembled, and the nuclear membrane, which surrounds and protects the nucleus.

Are protons on the inside or outside of the nucleus?

Protons are located inside the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, which are tightly bound together at the center of the atom. Electrons, which have a negative charge, orbit around the nucleus.

Where are the chromosomes in the cells?

Inside of the nucleus

Electrical forces inside a nucleus contribute nuclear?

The electrical forces inside a nucleus contribute to the nuclear force, also known as the strong nuclear force. This force is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. It overcomes the electrical repulsion between positively charged protons to hold the nucleus together.

Where are protons found inside or outside the nucleus?

They are found inside the nucleus

What helps hold the nucleus in place?

The nuclear lamina, a network of proteins inside the nuclear envelope, helps to hold the nucleus in place within the cell by providing structural support and anchoring the chromatin. Additionally, the cytoskeleton and other cellular structures surrounding the nucleus contribute to its positioning and stability within the cell.

Where is the positive charge in an nucleus found?

inside on the nucleus

Are nucleus made of cells?

no nucleus is INSIDE cells

Can the nucleus hold two or more protons?

A nucleus contain protons and neutrons. A nucleus can hold more protons - the number is equal to atomic number.

Where is the DNA located inside eukaryotes?

DNA in eukaryotes is mostly found inside the nucleus. However there is a small amount of DNA contained in the mitochondria.

Could you find a nucleus inside a bacteria call?

yes. all bacterial cells have a nucleus inside