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Q: What helps viruses into host cells?
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What causes the host to produce new viruses like itself?

the viruses, takes over ur body cells and it starts making more viruses. hope this helps =]

What causes host to produce new viruses like itself?

the viruses, takes over ur body cells and it starts making more viruses. hope this helps =]

Are viruses general or specific to the cells that they infect?

viruses are specific to the cells they infect called host cells

Do viruses reproduce inside host cells causing them to burst?

Yes, viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the host cell's machinery to make copies of themselves. This can cause the host cell to burst, releasing the newly formed viruses to infect other cells.

Why do viruses kill?

Your host cells in your body.

Viruses can reproduce only inside what?

Viruses can reproduce only inside living host cells. They rely on the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more copies of the virus.

Is there a difference with viruses and cells?

Yes there is a difference. Viruses are non-living and cells are living This is because Viruses can't reproduce on their own without a host. They don't have a metabolism like cells. They can't maintain homeostasis. They cannot synthesize proteins (they lack the ribosomes to do so) without a host. Without a host viruses can neither generate nor store ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Viruses cannot live unless they have a host.

Why do viruses depend in host cells?

Viruses are composed of protein and DNA. The DNA encodes the protein as well as the DNA for the virus. Viruses depend on host cells because they are incapable of reproducing themselves. They enter the host cell and the viral DNA is inserted into the host DNA. The virus then "hijacks" the host cells replication machinery to make more viral protein and viral DNA.

What are these molecules called that protect potential host cells?

Antibodies protect potential host cells. They act against bacteria and viruses.

Why are viruses hard to cultivate in the laboratory?

Viruses are hard to cultivate in the laboratory because they require living host cells to replicate. This dependency on living cells makes it challenging to maintain viruses outside of a host organism. Additionally, viruses can be very specific about the types of cells they can infect, which further complicates the cultivation process.

What infectious agent live only by invading cells?

Viruses are infectious agents that can only replicate and survive by invading host cells and hijacking their cellular machinery. Once inside a host cell, viruses use the cell's resources to produce more viral particles, which can then go on to infect other cells. This process ultimately leads to the destruction of the host cell as new viruses are released to infect additional cells.

ARE Viruses are a type of cell?

The type of cells that viruses live in are host cells. Viruses need host cells in order to reproduce or multiply.