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Q: What has the highest concentration of silica?
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Is silica useful in house plants?

yes silica is essential in house plant but concentration of silica neet to content little amount.

What igneous rock family contains the highest proportion of silica?

Felsic igneous rocks have the highest proportion of silica. Examples include granite and rhyolite.

What containt the highest concentration of the ozone layer?

The highest concentration is in atmosphere. It is not on crust.

What is a silica geothermometer?

A silica geothermometer is a tool used to estimate the temperature of geothermal fluids by analyzing the concentration of dissolved silica in the water. The method is based on the principle that the solubility of silica in water is temperature-dependent.

The highest concentration of non polluting ozone?

The highest concentration of non polluting ozone is in stratosphere. It is present in atmosphere.

Do intermediate contains the least amount of silica?

No, intermediate magma typically contains a moderate amount of silica compared to other magma types. Basaltic magma has the lowest silica content, while rhyolitic magma has the highest silica content.

What part of the cannibas plant contains the highest concentration of THC?

The highest concentration of THC is typically found in the flowering buds of the cannabis plant. Specifically, the trichomes on the flowers are where the highest concentration of THC is located.

The stratosphere contains the highest concentration of?

The stratosphere contains the highest concentration of the ozone gas. It is present as the ozone layer within it.

What type of magma has a high silica content?

Felsic magma has a high silica content, which makes it more viscous and prone to explosive eruptions.

Where would the boat produce the highest concentration of carbon monoxide?

A boat produces the highest concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust system.

Where would a boat produce the highest concentration of carbon monoxide?

A boat produces the highest concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust system.

Is the highest concentrations of HIV is saliva?

No; highest concentration of HIV is in blood.