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This chemical element is carbon.

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Q: What has one less than protons than nitrogen?
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Has one less proton than N in the nucleus?

Nitrogen atoms have 7 protons in their nuclei. You can know this because the atomic number of nitrogen is 7, and the atomic number is the number of protons. So the element that has one less proton than nitrogen in the nuclei of its atoms is carbon, which is atomic number 6, so it has 6 protons in the nuclei of its atoms.

Why is there 7 protons in the nucleus?

because the atom is a nitrogen one....not all atoms have seven protons in their nucleus

Does nitrogen have the fewest protons?

No. Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7, with a mass number of about 14, meaning it has 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons. Hydrogen has the least amount of protons, containing only one proton and one electron.

How many positive protons does nitrogen have?

Hope you are particular about the proton and not anit proton. The beauty is that the number of protons ie atomic number is the code for knowing the element. So 7 is the door number for nitrogen. Hence it has 7 protons. If one proton right from nitrogen nucleus is taken out then nucleus becomes that of carbon. If one proton is added then it becomes 8, so it is oxygen atom. Moreover nitrogen atom does exist as monoatomic molecule. It always exists as diatomic molecule. That is nitrogen gas.

Why is mercury-194 the unstable one I thought it was molybdenum-98 since the neutrons are LESS than protons and therefore don't balance out the strong/electric force between protons and neutrons. How do you determine which isotopes are unstable?


Do electrons have the mass as protons?

Protons are part of the nucleus, so they have less mass than the nucleus (except in the specific case of hydrogen, where the nucleus is a single proton so they have the same mass).Electrons are much less massive than protons. It would take 1836 electrons to equal the mass of one proton.Neutrons are very slightly more massive than protons, by just about the mass of an electron. They're close enough that they're generally treated as having essentially the same mass.

What elements compose hydrogen and nitrogen?

Hydrogen and nitrogen are not composed of elements; they are elements. Neutral hydrogen is composed of one electron and one proton.Nitrogen in its neutral, stable state has 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons.

Is one quarter more or less than one third?

one quarter is less than one third

Which one is much lighter weight protons or neutrons?

The proton is slightly less massive.

Is ninety five hundredths less than one or greater than one?

less than one

Nitrogen consists of what?

Nitrogen is made up of seven protons and seven electrons (I'm not 100% sure about the electrons part), and the number of neutrons varies depending on the isotope. (N21 has 14 neutrons, N8 has one neutron)

How you know which fraction is less than one whole?

If the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than one. For example, 5/7 is less than one. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than one. For example, 10/7 is more than one.