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Q: What has helped earth scientists determine the age of the earth more precisely?
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What two major developments helped scientists explain the fossil record?

The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin, helped scientists understand the gradual change of species over time recorded in the fossil record. Additionally, advances in radiometric dating techniques provided scientists with the ability to determine the age of fossils more accurately, allowing for a deeper understanding of the timeline of life on Earth.

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientist determine the?

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientists determine the structure of Earth's interior, including the layers of the planet such as the crust, mantle, and core. By analyzing the speed and direction of seismic waves, scientists can also locate the epicenter of an earthquake and understand the properties of different materials beneath the surface. Additionally, earthquake waves provide information on the movement of tectonic plates and help forecast potential seismic hazards in vulnerable regions.

If scientists knew the latitude of a location on Earth and surface but not the longitude what could they determine about the location?

How far north or south of the equator the location lies.

How do w know that the earth is not the same composition all the way through?

Scientists use seismic waves from earthquakes to study the interior of the Earth. By measuring how these waves travel through the Earth, scientists have been able to determine that the Earth is composed of different layers with varying compositions, such as the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.

How do scientists know about the axis of earth?

Scientists know about the Earth's axis through measurements and observations. By tracking the movements of stars, analyzing the changing positions of celestial bodies over time, and studying the patterns of sunlight at different latitudes, scientists can determine the tilt of the Earth's axis. Additionally, data from satellites and advanced instruments help scientists monitor and measure the Earth's axial tilt with precision.

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How did the scientists determine the shape of the earth?

round shape

Who are the Two scientists who helped Darwin and others recognize how old?

James Hutton and Charles Lyell were the two scientists that helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is.

How have seismic wave studies helped scientists determine the structure of Earth's interior?

Seismic wave studies have helped scientists determine the structure of Earth's interior by observing how these waves travel and get refracted or reflected by different layers beneath the surface. By analyzing the speed, direction, and behavior of seismic waves, scientists can infer the composition, density, and temperature of Earth's various layers, such as the crust, mantle, and core, providing valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of our planet's interior.

What two major developments helped scientists explain the fossil record?

The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin, helped scientists understand the gradual change of species over time recorded in the fossil record. Additionally, advances in radiometric dating techniques provided scientists with the ability to determine the age of fossils more accurately, allowing for a deeper understanding of the timeline of life on Earth.

Why do scientists study deuterium to determine the origins of water on Earth?

Scientists study deuterium in water because it can provide clues about the origin of water on Earth. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that can help differentiate between water from sources like comets, asteroids, or Earth's mantle. By analyzing the deuterium content in water, scientists can determine where that water may have come from in the early stages of Earth's formation.

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientist determine the?

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientists determine the structure of Earth's interior, including the layers of the planet such as the crust, mantle, and core. By analyzing the speed and direction of seismic waves, scientists can also locate the epicenter of an earthquake and understand the properties of different materials beneath the surface. Additionally, earthquake waves provide information on the movement of tectonic plates and help forecast potential seismic hazards in vulnerable regions.

When testing soil composition in various locations scientists are able to determine the age of the earth's?

Scientists determine the age of the Earth through radiometric dating methods, which analyze the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks and minerals. By studying the composition of soil in different locations, scientists can establish a timeline of geological processes that have shaped the Earth, providing insights into its age and history.

How does earthquake waves determine the different layers of the earth?

Earthquake waves travel through the Earth at different speeds depending on the type of material they pass through. By studying how these waves travel and are reflected at boundaries between layers, scientists can determine the different properties and boundaries of the Earth's layers, such as the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.

Who are the two scientists who helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is?

James Hulton and Charles Lyell.

What Approximately how long do scientists think chemical evolution took?

Scientists believe that chemical evolution, the process by which simple molecules formed more complex ones, likely took hundreds of millions to billions of years to occur on early Earth. The exact timeline is difficult to determine precisely due to the lack of direct evidence, but current estimates are within that range.

How do scientists determine other features of the earth?

Scientists determine other features of the Earth through various methods, including satellite imaging, ground surveys, geological mapping, and remote sensing technologies. These tools help scientists identify and study features like topography, land cover, geology, and natural resources across different regions of the Earth. By combining data from these sources, scientists can create detailed maps and models to understand and analyze the Earth's various features.

How long ago did earth and your solar system form?

About 4.5 to 4.7 billion years ago. It's difficult to determine it more precisely; we weren't there.