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it is going up and the ice goes up

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Q: What has happenend to global temperatures?
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Related questions

What is a word that means a rise in average global temperatures?

Global Warming

Why has the temperatures increased?

Global Warming

How do you determine global temperatures?

watch the news.

What could increase average global temperatures?

Global warming. Possibly pollution such as gas in a car.

What happened in the year 1978?

Nothing happenend. Everything was just fine. But if you really want to know... nothing happenend, i think.

Can ash cause global temperatures to rise?

Yes, ash from large volcanic eruptions can temporarily lower global temperatures by blocking sunlight. However, over time as the ash settles and the particles reflect less heat, there can be a rebound effect leading to increased temperatures.

Is an increase in average temperatures around the planet.?

Global warming

What is the increase in temperatures worldwide is known as?

"global warming", usually.

What term best describes worldwide temperatures rising above their natural levels?

Global warming

How is global warming affecting temperatures?

Global warming is causing an overall rise in temperatures worldwide, leading to more frequent and severe heat waves. This increase in temperatures is also disrupting weather patterns and contributing to more intense and prolonged periods of extreme heat. Ultimately, global warming is exacerbating the trend of rising temperatures and causing shifts in climate patterns.

What happenend in World War 2?

The Holocaust.

What is a slow increase in the Earth's overall temperatures called?

Global warming.