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Water has a higher viscosity than air. This means water is thicker and more resistant to flow, while air is less resistant and flows more easily.

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Q: What has a lower viscosity water or air?
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Water has a lower what than honey?

Water has a lower viscosity than honey. Honey is more viscous, or thick and sticky, compared to water.

What is air viscosity?

Air viscosity is a measure of the resistance of air to flow or movement. It is influenced by factors such as temperature and pressure, with higher temperatures and lower pressures generally leading to lower viscosity. Viscosity is an important factor in aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, affecting how air flows around objects and surfaces.

Does water or motor oil flow faster?

Water is faster by it's lower viscosity, though oil viscosity is more temperature dependent than that of water.

Is acetone thicker than water?

No, acetone is thinner than water. Acetone is a volatile liquid solvent with a lower viscosity compared to water.

Viscosity is a property in which state of matter?

yes viscosity is a property of gas

Does skim milk have a lower viscosity than water?

Yes according to experiments

What is the least viscous liquid known to man?

Liquid helium is the least viscous liquid known to man, with a viscosity that is even lower than that of water at room temperature. It exhibits superfluidity at temperatures close to absolute zero, where it flows without any viscosity.

What is viscocity Define viscosity briefly?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. It describes the internal friction of a moving fluid, with higher viscosity fluids being thicker and flowing more slowly than lower viscosity fluids. Water has a lower viscosity compared to honey, for example.

Which moves quicker high or lower viscosity?

Low viscosity liquids flow more quickly. For example water flows faster than honey.

Why does water flows faster then corn syrup?

Because water has lower viscosity (resistance to flow) than syrup does.

Which has a lower viscosity milk or honey?

Honey has a lower viscosity than milk because it is a concentrated sugar solution, whereas milk is a mixture of water, proteins, fats, and sugars. Honey has a thicker consistency due to its high sugar content, which results in a higher viscosity compared to milk.

What is viscosity and how does it effect marine mammals on the water?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. Higher viscosity fluids are thicker and flow more slowly. In marine mammals, higher viscosity water can make swimming more strenuous, as it requires more energy to move through the water. This can impact their foraging efficiency and overall energy expenditure.