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Most insects fall into that category: they have a head, thorax and abdomen.

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An insect typically has 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), an exoskeleton, and 6 legs. This description fits most insects, including beetles, ants, and bees.

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Q: What has 3 body parts and exoskeleton and 6 legs?
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Do insects have six body parts?

No. Insects have 3 body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen) and six legs. As well as compound eyes, two antennae, and a hard exoskeleton.

What 3 things make an insect?

6 legs 3 body segments exoskeleton

What are three characteristics that insects have?

One things that all insects have in common are legs with joints. They also all have an exoskeleton made, in part, of chitin. The insects also have bi-lateral symmetry.Most insects have eyes and legs. Some insects have wings, which allow them to fly around from place to place.

Does a mosquito has 3 body parts and 6 legs?

The mosquito has 3 body parts.

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The three common characteristics of animals in the phylum Arthropoda are: having a segmented body with paired jointed legs, having a hard exoskeleton made of chitin, and undergoing ecdysis, or molting, to grow.

If an animal has 6 legs and 3 body parts what it is called?

An animal with 6 legs and 3 body parts is typically called an insect. Insects have three main body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen, and most have 6 legs.

What class has 3 body parts and 3 sets of legs?

An insect is a class that typically has 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen) and 3 sets of legs.

What is the rule you use to tell if an organism is an insect?

Insects have 3 pairs of jointed legs , Chitinous exoskeleton and body divided in 3 tegma .

How many body parts does a cheetah have?

a cheetah has 3 body parts

How many bones does a ant have?

An ant has approximately 3 main body sections (head, thorax, abdomen) and six legs, but they do not have bones like mammals do. Instead, their body is supported by an external skeleton called an exoskeleton made of chitin.

Body in 3 parts gills jointed legs?

i do not have a clue :S

How many body sections does a stick insect have?

a stick insect has 3 body parts. The head, the abdaman and the legs. But it has to have more than 3 legs to be a insect.