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It Freezes ! :P

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The balloon will be broken.

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Q: What happens when you put a balloon full of water in the freezer?
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How long does it take a bundt pan full of water to freeze?

The time it takes for a bundt pan full of water to freeze depends on various factors such as the temperature of the freezer, the volume of water, and the material of the bundt pan. On average, it can take several hours to overnight for a bundt pan full of water to freeze completely.

What happens when you fill a beaker of soil with water until the beaker is almost full?

As you fill the beaker with water, the soil will absorb the water until it reaches its maximum capacity, at which point excess water will either overflow or saturate the soil. This process can provide information on the soil's water retention capacity and help determine its porosity and permeability.

In a hot air balloon air is heated by a flamehow does this enable the balloon to float in the air?

Heating the air inside the balloon decreases its density, making it lighter than the surrounding air. This causes the balloon to float because it is now less dense and experiences an upward buoyant force. The flame must be constantly heating the air to maintain this temperature difference and keep the balloon aloft.

What happens when a spoon full of sugar is added to half liter of cold water?

When a spoonful of sugar is added to half a liter of cold water, the sugar dissolves into the water, resulting in a sweetened solution. The sugar molecules break down and integrate with the water molecules, creating a homogenous mixture.

Is it bad to do the helium challenge?

A little helium isn't harmful, but inhaling an entire balloon-full can block oxygen to your brain, which might cause you to pass out. There has been at least one death from breathing helium from a pressurized tank instead of a balloon, too.

Related questions

What happens to balloon after being in the freezer for a few hours?

When a balloon is placed in the freezer, the air inside the balloon will condense and the balloon will shrink. This is because the cold temperature causes the air molecules to lose energy and move closer together. When the balloon is taken out of the freezer and warms up, the air molecules expand and the balloon will gradually return to its original size.

If you apply pressure to a balloon filled with water will it pop and make a mess?

sometimes, depending on how full the water balloon is.

How do make a water balloon?

You put the end of it on the fauset then turn the water on until the water balloon is as full as you want it to be then you tie it and its ready to go.

What anatomical structures does the water-containing balloon mimic?

The water-containing balloon mimics the function of the bladder in the human body. When the balloon is full, it represents a full bladder, and when it is empty, it represents an empty bladder.

What happens a balloon full of air was moved from a cold place to a warm place?

When a balloon full of air is moved from a cold place to a warm place, the air inside the balloon will warm up and expand. This causes the balloon to inflate further and possibly burst if the pressure inside the balloon becomes too high.

Why when you explode a balloon full of hydrogen with a balloon full of oxygen do small droplets of liquid form?

because the hydrogen and oxygen react together creating water(the small droplets of liquid)

How is your bladder and a water balloon alike?

Both your bladder and a water balloon hold liquid and can expand to accommodate more fluid. When they are full, they both need to be emptied to prevent bursting.

What is the problem with putting a full bottle of water in the freezer for a long period?

The bottle will expand and overflow.

What happens as you full down the balloon at the bottom of the model?

As you pull down the balloon at the bottom of the model, the air pressure inside the balloon increases, causing the air to be pushed out through the straw. This creates a propelling force that makes the balloon move in the opposite direction.

Why does a helium balloon rise higher than an air balloon?

Any object surrounded by a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. There's an upward force on a cork in water that's equal to the weight of the water it displaces. There's an upward force on a helium balloon that's equal to the weight of the air it displaces. It so happens that a balloon full of helium weighs less than the air it displaces, so the upward force on it is greater than its weight.

Is a room that is empty less expensive to cool than a room with furniture?

This is an easy question to answer if you think about thermal-mass. A full freezer full of frozen food (or gallon jugs of frozen water)will cost less to operate than a empty freezer.

What is the difference between a full and an empty balloon?

A full balloon contains air or gas and is inflated, while an empty balloon has no air or gas inside and is deflated. This results in a full balloon being able to float or rise in the air, while an empty balloon will sink or stay grounded.