In some cases, it may lead to inappropriate or unwanted advances from other inmates or staff. It can also result in a violation of personal space or boundaries. It's important for the individual to advocate for their safety and well-being in such situations.
It turns into a Jammy Dodger
its radius increases
If you react FeCl2 with soap, the iron ions in FeCl2 are likely to form coordination complexes with the soap molecules. This may not result in any significant chemical reaction, but it could produce colored compounds or a change in the physical properties of the soap.
When water hits the surface of soap, it causes the soap molecules to attract both water and oil. This leads to the formation of bubbles as the soap molecules orient themselves at the water-oil interface, encapsulating oil and dirt to be washed away.
It does not explode. It does not melt! It expands. It is very cool! put the soap in the microwave for about 45 seconds to 1 minute. Watch! If you thought this answer was helpful post a comment!
if ur in prison and u drop the soap u might get f--d in the butthole
The Mounties put them in prison and made them drop the soap
You get arrested, go to prison and are forced to drop the soap.
Answer they could get raped in prison, 'dont drop the soap'. Unless you want it.
Because somebody might try to have anal sex with you while you are bent over naked.
"Dropping the soap" is a colloquial expression used in prison slang that refers to the vulnerability or potential danger a person may face when they accidentally drop a bar of soap while showering in a communal setting. It is often associated with a risk of sexual assault or exploitation.
They will reward you prison shower style just dont drop the soap.
If you're in the shower with other men, eg. cadets, gym, swimming pool, prison, etc. and you you drop the soap, you must bend over to retrieve it. This exposes your back to (perhaps) unwanted sexual attention by certain individuals. It is a smear against homosexuals.A:It is difficult to explain in a manner that will not offend someone. Bending over in a shower to pick up the soap is an unintentional invitation to homosexual advance, so one is advised not to drop the soap in showers (such as in prisons) where this phenomenon could be a hazard. A:Don't drop the soap is usually for guys in prison. They say don't drop the soap because if a guy is standing behind you and you bend down to pick up the soap, they might rape you. A:It was said in prison because in the shower you're naked and if you bend over you're open and defenseless for anal sex.
Barnie shows up and asks for cookie for his boyfriend the Cookie Monster
If you drop soap on the ground, the soap is dirty AND the floor is clean.
Get some soap on a rope and don't drop it...................... It may not make you popular with other inmates , but you could request protective custody.