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When tectonic plates spread and goes apart they form a ridge, trench, and etc. the line is called a divergent boundary. On the opposite side it causes a convergent boundary when two plates come and crush each other or slides underneath the other forming volcanoes and mountains

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12y ago
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15y ago

a volcano forms and also when they bump into each other a volcano can form or an earthquake can form also

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9y ago

when the plates move away from each other they open up and magma is forced up, this is called constructive margins.

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13y ago

they make volcanoes

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Q: What happens when two plates move away from one another?
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Do volcanoes erupt when earths plates move?

Well, when earths plates move away from each other that's when it happens but move well then NO!

What directions do the plates move relative to one another at a divergent plate boundary?

they move away form each other, so what ever the direction the plates are the move the apposite direction away

Do convergent plates move away from each other?

they move against one another

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Seafloor continues to move away from the mid-ocean ridge and eventually comes into contact with another plate boundary. Ocean plates subduct underneath continental plates and are forced down into the lithosphere

Do all continential plates move in the same direction?

No. Normally they move in opposite directions, and can crash into one another - when this happens mountains are formed or deep sea trenches made. There are also points where they move directly away form one another, this happens along mid oceanic ridges and the geographic feature that occurs in these regions are the Oceans.

What do plates do when an earthquake happens?

They move

What happens when tectonic plates suddenly move?

An Earthquake happens.

The area where two neighboring tectonic plates move away from one another is called an area's what boundary?


When 2 tectonic plates move away from one another the boundary between them is called?

a divergent plate boundary.

Which way does the divergent boundary go?

A divergent boundary is where two tectonic plates move away from each other. This movement can result in the formation of new crust as magma rises to fill the gap created by the moving plates.

What happens to spreading boundaries?

SPREADING ZONES Spreading zone occurs in the border of two tectonic plates. This happens when the plates generally move away from each other creating an opening for the magma to force through the surface.

What are three ways plates can move in relation to one another?

Plates either move towards each other (convergent plates), away from each other (divergent plates) or slide next to each other (transform plates).