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electromagnetism is a cumulative force

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Q: What happens when magnets being held together?
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What happens to the magnets when they are held like this?

Like this?! C'mon, I'm not Miss Cleo.

What happens when like poles of two magnets are bought close?

If they come end-to-end, they will either attract or repel depending on the polarity.If you bring the sides together, they often will slide to bring their ends + & - ends together.

How do two water molecules compare to two magnets?

Two water molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds, while two magnets are held together by magnetic forces between their poles. Water molecules can form a liquid state due to hydrogen bonding, while magnets do not exhibit this behavior due to their magnetic properties. Additionally, the interaction between two water molecules is based on polarity, while the interaction between two magnets is based on the alignment of their magnetic fields.

How are magnets use in fax machines?

some of the case structures and paper trays are held in place with magnets.

If two south poles are held together what would happen?

If two south poles of magnets are held together, they will repel each other. This is because like poles (south-south or north-north) repel each other due to the magnetic field they create.

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What happens to force at subatmoic levels?

There are 4 types of forces: gravity, electromagnetic, strong, and weak. Atoms are held together by electromagnetic forces, the nucleus is held together by the strong force. The nucleus contains neutrons and protons which are made up of quarks, which are held together by a type of strong force called a gluon.

Is an open bottle of soda a heterogeneous mixture?

it is all being held together when closed.. when it opens carbonation is being released.

What type of bond holds a human being together?

Humans are held together mainly by intermolecular attraction rather than actual chemical bonds. The substances within the human body are mostly held together by covalent bonds.

What bone held together with?

They are held together by ligaments.

How tightly are the particles held together in gases?

they are not held together.

How did Pennsylvaina get its nickname?

its nick name being, the key state, when we only had the thirteen colonys, pennsylvaina was in the middle, there for, most things in the middle held the rest together, there fore it held all of the colonys together, being the key state, without it everything would fall apart