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"Black" means "no light". That's why a dark room looks black at niight.

If an object really looks black, then you know that it must have absorbed any light

that hit it, because there's none left to bounce from the object into your eyes.

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13y ago

the dark color absorbs the light making you hotter.

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12y ago

Black light is asborbed and white light is reflected

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opaque is a object in which light can't pass through it. so when light hits the object it casts the shadow.

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15y ago

It looks sort of shiny black.

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Q: What happens when light falls on opaque objects?
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What colors of light are reflected by an opaque black objects?

White Light

What happens when an objects is in the path of lights?

When an object is in the path of light, it can either absorb, reflect, or transmit the light. The specific interaction depends on the properties of the object and the wavelength of the light. For example, opaque objects absorb light, transparent objects transmit light, and reflective objects bounce light off their surface.

What happens when light rays hit an opaque object?

When light rays hit an opaque object, they are absorbed or reflected. The object appears opaque because it reflects most of the light that hits it and absorbs very little. This is why we cannot see through opaque objects.

What happens when light falls on a wooden chair?

some part of light reflected from the chair enters our eyes

Objects that don't let light pass through them?

Objects that don't let light pass through them are called opaque. These objects absorb or reflect light, preventing it from passing through. Materials like wood, metal, and cardboard are examples of opaque objects.

What is a substance that dose not transmit light?

An opaque object does not reflect light. Opaque objects absorb light.

Do opaque objects refract?

No, opaque objects do not refract light. Refraction occurs when light passes through a medium with different optical properties, causing it to change direction. Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them, so there is no refraction.

Are most objects opaque?

No, not all objects are opaque. Some objects are transparent (light passes through easily), translucent (light passes through but is diffused), or opaque (blocks light from passing through). It depends on the material and structure of the object.

What are the characteristics of opaque objects?

Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them, preventing transparency. They block the transmission of light and create shadows. Materials like metal, wood, and stone are examples of opaque objects.

Does refraction take place in opaque objects?

Refraction is the phenomenon which allows light to pass from one medium into the other. But opaque object will not allow light to pass through. So refraction becomes impossible in case of opaque objects.

Does opaque light transmiss?

No, opaque objects do not transmit light. They absorb or reflect light, making them not transparent or translucent.

What is it called when a light cannot pass through objects?

The object is opaque