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Q: What happens when layers of eath crust crack and move?
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What is the eath made of?

The Earth is composed of several layers: the crust, mantle, and core. The crust is the outermost layer and is made up of solid rock. Beneath the crust is the mantle, which is mostly solid but can flow slowly over long periods of time. At the center of the Earth is the core, which is composed mostly of iron and nickel.

Why does the earth need many layers Rikko's Scientific question for science?

Because without these layers each layer wont be able to do their specific jobs because each layer supports one another thus makes the eath in order. And ofcousre without our Almighty Father God the world woudnt be alive right now. -Rikko

What astronomical events occur on each of these days?

The eath rotats

How far is the eath form the sun?

The distance of earth from the sun is about 93,000,000 miles

How much of plant eath is water?

about 2/3 or 67% of earth is water

Related questions

If a fault line is dotted what does it mean?

The fault line of a earthquake is the crack in the Eath's crust ans where two or more tectonic plates butt together.

What planet doesn't have a solid crust?

None of the planets within our solar system are known to lack a solid crust. However, alternative celestial bodies such as gas giants do not have a solid surface due to their predominantly gaseous composition.

What is the shape the eath's crust?

oblate spheroid oblate spheroid

What block the flow of the moisture laden air?

the eath crust

What is the eath made of?

The Earth is composed of several layers: the crust, mantle, and core. The crust is the outermost layer and is made up of solid rock. Beneath the crust is the mantle, which is mostly solid but can flow slowly over long periods of time. At the center of the Earth is the core, which is composed mostly of iron and nickel.

How do geologists classify rock samples from the Eath's crust?

By their provenance, appearance, texture and mineralogy.

Why is the earth's crust like an egg?

The comparison between Earth's crust and an egg refers to the idea that they both have layers. Earth's crust has different layers, like the crust, mantle, and core, similar to an egg's shell, white, and yolk. However, the analogy should not be taken too literally as there are significant differences in composition and structure between the two.

What keeps the Eath's mantle solid?

Look it up somewhere else. currently does not have an answer for you ***************** We live on the Earth's crust. The crust floats on the mantle, which is semi-molten rock. The crust can be likened to the pastry crust on top of a very hot meat pie.

How is eath like a gilled cheese sandwich?

Both the earth and a grilled cheese sandwich have a hard outer crust, and a runny centre.

Why do we selibrat Eath Day?

to thank the eath

What do the crust and mantle have in common?

The crust and mantle are both layers of Earth's structure. They are part of the lithosphere and are composed of solid rock materials. Additionally, both layers play a role in the movement of tectonic plates.

How eath became eath?

it didn't so don't ask