Iron become a liquid.
When iron reacts with air, they form ferric oxide.
it attracts
The word equation for the reaction when iron forms hematite in the Earth is: Iron + Oxygen β Hematite.
The magnet will attract the iron, but will not attract the sulphur.
No, "hitted" is not the correct past tense form of the word "hit." The correct past tense form is "hit."
It should be "Your sister hit the ball hard." "Hitted" is not the correct past tense form of "hit."
you hitted it and it goes bitting you
Suresh raina has hitted 4 centurys in international cricket he has hitted 3 centurys in odis and 1 in test.
dimitri mascarenhas
Iron become a liquid.
Hitted is not a real word, it is a very common misspelling of hit.Hit, the action of hitting someone, is a verb.A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).
Iron is corroded in steam.
because Ziz Zag hitted him with the shovel accidentally
Iron fillings will be corroded.
After oxidation iron is transformed in oxides.
110 against Australia at Colombo on 9/9/1994