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As the heat is removed, the kinetic energy of the particles decreases and they start moving very slowly. Quick reminder: kinetic energy is the energy associated with a particle's motion. The faster a particle moves, the larger its kinetic energy is.
When enough energy has been removed from the system and the particles are in super slow motion, bonds begin to form between the molecules. These bonds act like glue and freeze the molecules into place.

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molecules change when heat energy is removed: he molecules slow down!

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It freezes

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Q: What happens when heat energy is taken away fron molecules?
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What happens when energy is taken away?

What happens when thermal energy is taken away

What happens is energy is taken away from matter?

When thermal energy is taken away from matter particles move more slowly. When thermal energy is added to matter particles move faster.

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It increases.

What must be added or taken away in order for matter to changes states?

Energy must be added or taken away.

What happens to the particles of matter when thermal energy is taken away from it?

When thermal energy is taken away from matter, the particles will lose energy and slow down, leading to a decrease in temperature. As the particles slow down, they may eventually come together and form a solid if enough energy is removed. This process is known as cooling or condensation.

Why evaporation is a cooling process?

according to kinetic theory,the temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy of the molecules of a liquid.during evaporation,the escape of high energy molecules from the surface of a liquid,lowers the average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules and therefore,the temperature of the liquids falls down.thus evaporation is a cooling process.

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When sound dies away, the sound energy is gradually transformed into other forms of energy, such as heat energy due to friction between molecules in the medium through which the sound waves passed. Eventually, the sound energy dissipates and is no longer detectable as sound.

When water evaporates what happens to the molecules?

When the heat is added to water, the atoms in the water particle get enough energy, they end up being so poweful, they are able to pull away from other atoms and bounce around. It's sort of like heating water, the water is getting boiled and the water turns to steam. When energy/heat is taken away from the gas form, the steam turns back into a water form. To make it simple, The molecules get energy from heat.

What happens to water vapor when energy is taken away?

When energy is taken away from water vapor, it will condense and turn into liquid water. This process is known as condensation, where the water vapor loses energy and transforms into tiny droplets that collect together to form clouds or precipitation.

What happens to the particles of a substance as you take energy away?

As energy is taken away from a substance, the particles within the substance slow down and lose kinetic energy. Eventually, the particles may form a solid structure as they come closer together due to the reduction of thermal energy.

Is heat taken away or added in evaporation?

Heat is taken away during evaporation. As the liquid absorbs heat from its surroundings and gains energy, some of the molecules at the surface of the liquid gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together, and they escape into the gas phase. This process removes heat from the remaining liquid, causing it to cool down.

What happens to energy as it travels away from the sources?

Energy is lost