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Heat is a form of energy, and the transfer of heat to an object increases the thermal energy of the atoms of the object. Essentially this energy may be viewed as atomic vibration. The warmer an object is, the faster its molecules vibrate. In a liquid, for example, the absorption of heat results in an increase in motion of the molecules in the liquid as a result of the energy. Typically this means a change in physical properties such as viscosity. The extent to which the object is affected by the heat is an intensive property called heat capacity.

In certain conditions, enough heat can raise the temperature of the object, which then can undergo a state change, also known as a phase change. For example, the change of a solid to liquid or liquid to gas. In solids molecular vibration is back and forth. In liquids, molecules turn as they vibrate. In gases, molecular motion is unrestricted. How heat moves throughout an object can be classified as a process such as conduction, convection, or radiation.

What is Heat?

Heat is Energy. Mechanical Energy can become heat through friction. The unit of energy is Joule. Heat is also measured in Calories.

1 Cal = Heat required to the temperature of 1g of H2O by 1C.

Originally, heat was thought to be a separate quantity, connected with Temperature. James Prescott Joule (1818-1889) showed that heat is in fact energy (thermal energy).

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10y ago
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3mo ago

When heat is absorbed by a solid, the thermal energy causes the particles in the solid to vibrate more rapidly, increasing their kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy leads to a rise in temperature of the solid.

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13y ago

When heat is absorbed by a solid, the solid molecules absorb heat and starts vibrating to and fro and when the heat is sufficient to provide vibrations to escape the intermolecular forces, then the solid begins to deform into soft one followed by in liquid state and then in gaseous state.

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12y ago

The molecules will move faster causing the object's temperature to increase and expand.

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15y ago

the matterial going ap the matterial going ap

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15y ago

Typically the solid will both increase in temperature and expand, as the heat energy delivered to the solid causes its molecules to vibrate faster and to increase their spacing.

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14y ago

The solid absorbs the heat and the energy from the heat is used to weaken the molecular bonds in the solid. All this is accompanied by a rise in temperature.

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12y ago

The intermolecular forces which hold them together are no longer sufficient to overcome the energy of the particles, thus they separate. When the bonds are broken the object changes phase.

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12y ago

The radiation causes it to transform into Sarah Jessica Parker.

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13y ago

coz it smells bad like butsss..

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Q: What happens when heat is absorbed by a solid?
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Which form of heat is absorbed when a solid liquefies?

The heat absorbed when a solid liquefies is called latent heat of fusion. This heat is used to break the bonds between the solid particles, allowing them to move freely and change from a solid to a liquid state.

When heat is supplied to a solid substance what happens to the energy?

When heat is supplied to a solid substance, the energy is absorbed by the molecules, causing them to vibrate faster and thus increasing their kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy allows the solid to eventually change phase into a liquid or gas, depending on the substance and the amount of heat supplied.

What happens to particles when heat energy is absorbed during melting?

When heat energy is absorbed during melting, the particles in a solid gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in a fixed position. This causes the particles to move more freely, transitioning from a solid state to a liquid state.

What happens to latent heat when ice thaws?

When ice thaws, the latent heat that was absorbed during the freezing process is released back into the surroundings. This heat energy is used to break the bonds holding the water molecules in the solid ice structure, allowing them to move more freely and transition into liquid form.

What happens when heat hits a solid?

When heat hits a solid, the temperature of the solid increases, causing the atoms or molecules within the solid to vibrate faster. This increase in vibration leads to an expansion of the solid, which may result in changes in its physical properties.

Related questions

Which form of heat is absorbed when a solid liquefies?

The heat absorbed when a solid liquefies is called latent heat of fusion. This heat is used to break the bonds between the solid particles, allowing them to move freely and change from a solid to a liquid state.

What happens to heat during a change of starte?

During a change of state, such as melting or boiling, heat is either absorbed or released. When a substance changes from a solid to a liquid or from a liquid to a gas, heat is absorbed to break the intermolecular forces holding the molecules together. Conversely, when a substance changes from a gas to a liquid or from a liquid to a solid, heat is released as the intermolecular forces are strengthened.

What happens when hits a solid?

The same with when a light hits a solid; the energy either gets reflected or absorbed. If light hits a dark colored solid, most of the light will be absorbed, and the black object will get warm.If light hits a light-colored solid, most of the light will be reflected, and the white object will stay cool.By the way, the same thing happens to both heat and light, because heat is a form of light; heat is also called infrared light.Further answerIt does depend somewhat on what form this heat is in. If it's radiation then the answer above is fine. But if it's in the form of say, hot air, then there won't be any reflection, just conduction of the heat from the air to the solid.

When heat is supplied to a solid substance what happens to the energy?

When heat is supplied to a solid substance, the energy is absorbed by the molecules, causing them to vibrate faster and thus increasing their kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy allows the solid to eventually change phase into a liquid or gas, depending on the substance and the amount of heat supplied.

What happens to particles when heat energy is absorbed during melting?

When heat energy is absorbed during melting, the particles in a solid gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in a fixed position. This causes the particles to move more freely, transitioning from a solid state to a liquid state.

What happens to latent heat when ice thaws?

When ice thaws, the latent heat that was absorbed during the freezing process is released back into the surroundings. This heat energy is used to break the bonds holding the water molecules in the solid ice structure, allowing them to move more freely and transition into liquid form.

What happens when heat hits a solid?

When heat hits a solid, the temperature of the solid increases, causing the atoms or molecules within the solid to vibrate faster. This increase in vibration leads to an expansion of the solid, which may result in changes in its physical properties.

What happens to water when heat energy is absorbed?

It's temperature rises according to the heat source.

What happens with weight when you heat a solid?

Nothing does.

When liquid changes to solid here is heat?

When this happens,the liquid loses all its heat & becomes solid.

What happens when Some of the light absorbed by objects can turn into?

When light is absorbed by objects, it can turn into heat energy. This is because the absorbed light causes the atoms in the object to vibrate, which generates heat as a form of energy.

How is stoichiometery used to calculate energy absorbed when a mass of a solid melts?

Stoichiometry can be used to calculate the energy absorbed when a mass of a solid melts by considering the heat energy required to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the solid together. By using the heat capacity of the solid, the mass of the solid, and the enthalpy of fusion for the substance, stoichiometry can help determine the amount of energy needed for the solid to melt.