the fish living in the fresh water eat it and begin to grow larger and more healthy. I put fertilizer in my fresh water fish tanks every other day.
When fertilizers are added to fresh water, they can lead to eutrophication, a process where excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus cause algal blooms. These blooms can decrease oxygen levels in the water, harming aquatic ecosystems and leading to fish kills. Fertilizer runoff into waterways can also contribute to pollution and impact water quality.
White fume is given out.
The temperature decrease and water can be transformed in ice.
When a ship sails from seawater to fresh water, the buoyancy of the ship increases because fresh water is less dense than seawater. This can cause the ship to ride higher in the water. Additionally, there may be a slight increase in the ship's speed due to the lower density of the fresh water offering less resistance to the hull.
It dilutes the alcohol content.
Melting of polar ice caps and glaciers adds fresh water to seawater. Precipitation in the form of rain or snow also contributes fresh water. Rivers and streams flowing into the ocean bring in fresh water. Groundwater seepage into the ocean is another natural source of fresh water.
When fresh water is added to salt water, the two types of water will initially form distinct layers due to differences in density. Over time, through a process called mixing and diffusion, the fresh water and salt water will blend together, creating a more uniform salt concentration throughout the mixture.
In fresh water it will swell in salty one it will shrink
fresh water, most plants die if growen with sea water however bear in mind that all fertilizers are salts so in a sense you really need salty water...
fresh water
Of course not!!! If you added salt to fresh water, it wouldn't be fresh, anymore . . . gees.
Pollution from agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilizers can contaminate fresh water sources. Industrial discharge of chemicals and heavy metals can pollute fresh water supplies. Improper disposal of sewage and waste can introduce harmful bacteria and pathogens into fresh water sources.
It will die
They die
it dies
they will die
they drown