

Best Answer

1. Both the internal and the skin temperatures reach 40􀀁C.

2. Both the internal and the skin temperatures increase by about 7􀀁C.

3. The skin temperature decreases to about 30􀀁C.

4. The internal temperature increases by about 1􀀁C.


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Q: What happens when environmental temperature increases from 20 c to 30 c?
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How does increasing the temperature affect the speed of sound in the air?

Speed of sound increases, when temperature increases. Speed of sound in air is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × T. T = Temperature in °C. Speed of sound in air at 20°C is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × 20 = 343 m/s.

What is Jupiter's temperature compared to earth?

At the upper edge of the cloud cover, the temperature is thought to be -145 degrees C. On Jupiter the temperature increases because of atmospheric pressure, so as you descend temperature increases. Not far into the atmosphere the pressure is about ten times what it is here on Earth and the temperature is thought to be about 20 degrees C or average room temperature for Earth. Descend further and the temperature is thought to be over 9,700 C.s

If a solution is saturated at 20 degrees will it be saturated at 25 degrees?

No, the solubility of most substances increases with temperature. Therefore, if a solution is saturated at 20 degrees, it will likely be unsaturated at 25 degrees because more solute can dissolve at the higher temperature.

What happens if you add 200 ml of water at 20 degrees Celsius to another 200 ml of water at the same temperature?

The final temperature will be 20 degrees Celsius, as the two volumes of water are at the same temperature. The total volume of water will be 400 ml.

What sort of temperature would she experience in the strotosphere?

She would experience temperatures around -60°C to -20°C in the stratosphere. The temperature usually increases with altitude in the stratosphere due to the presence of ozone absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

Related questions

What best describes what happened as environmental temperature increases from 20 degrees to 30 degrees?

It is very likely to be a catastrophe unless the change happens very, very gradually.

The room temperature increases from 20 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius what happens to the pressure inside a cylinder of oxygen contained in the room?

The pressure inside the cylinder of oxygen will increase as the temperature rises. This is because an increase in temperature causes the oxygen molecules to move faster and collide with the walls of the cylinder more frequently, resulting in a higher pressure.

How does increasing the temperature affect the speed of sound in the air?

Speed of sound increases, when temperature increases. Speed of sound in air is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × T. T = Temperature in °C. Speed of sound in air at 20°C is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × 20 = 343 m/s.

Does temperature decrease as wind speed increases?

No, temperature does not decrease as wind speed increases. Wind speed and temperature are independent of each other. Wind can affect how we perceive temperature through wind chill factor, where the faster the wind blows, the cooler it feels on our skin.

What happens to the state of sulfur when the temperature changes from 20 degrees C to 100 degrees C?

Sulfur undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid as the temperature increases from 20°C to 100°C. This is because sulfur has a melting point of around 115°C, so it transitions from a solid state at 20°C to a liquid state at 100°C.

What is Jupiter's temperature compared to earth?

At the upper edge of the cloud cover, the temperature is thought to be -145 degrees C. On Jupiter the temperature increases because of atmospheric pressure, so as you descend temperature increases. Not far into the atmosphere the pressure is about ten times what it is here on Earth and the temperature is thought to be about 20 degrees C or average room temperature for Earth. Descend further and the temperature is thought to be over 9,700 C.s

What is the average temperature of Antarctica in December?

According to USA Today: "The average high temperature in November increases to -36 and then -16 in December."

If a solution is saturated at 20 degrees will it be saturated at 25 degrees?

No, the solubility of most substances increases with temperature. Therefore, if a solution is saturated at 20 degrees, it will likely be unsaturated at 25 degrees because more solute can dissolve at the higher temperature.

What increases as temperature increases in the structure of the earth?

The object expands

How does a decrease in temperature from 40 degrees celsius to 20 degrees celsius affect the solubility of NH3 and KCl?

A decrease in temperature generally decreases the solubility of gases like NH3, making it less soluble at 20 degrees Celsius compared to 40 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, for solids like KCl, a decrease in temperature typically increases solubility, leading to higher solubility at 20 degrees Celsius compared to 40 degrees Celsius.

What happens if you add 200 ml of water at 20 degrees Celsius to another 200 ml of water at the same temperature?

The final temperature will be 20 degrees Celsius, as the two volumes of water are at the same temperature. The total volume of water will be 400 ml.

If the temperature of an air mass increases by 20oc would the relavative humidity increases or decreases?

If the temperature of an air mass increases by 20°C, its relative humidity would decrease. This is because warmer air can hold more water vapor, so the ratio of water vapor present in the air compared to its capacity will be lower, leading to a decrease in relative humidity.