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Q: What happens when carbon dioxide was eliminated from the atmosphere?
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What happens when carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere?

nothing will happen at all

What happens when carbon dioxide levels decrease in the atmosphere?

When carbon dioxide levels decrease in the atmosphere, it can lead to a cooling effect. This is because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. A decrease in carbon dioxide levels could potentially impact climate patterns, biodiversity, and ocean acidity.

What goes is eliminated when you exhale?

carbon dioxide

What planet has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, making up about 96.5% of its atmosphere. This high concentration of carbon dioxide contributes to the intense greenhouse effect on the planet, resulting in surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead.

What happens to the carbon in the coal?

When coal is burned, the carbon in the coal combines with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas, contributing to climate change.

Terrestrial planet with a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere?

The planet may experience wide temperature extremes due to the thin atmosphere's inability to retain heat. The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may contribute to a greenhouse effect, further influencing the planet's climate. The lack of a thick atmosphere may also leave the surface exposed to harmful solar radiation.

Where does co2 loading occur?

CO2 loading occurs predominantly in the atmosphere, where carbon dioxide levels have been steadily increasing due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This excess CO2 is a major contributor to global climate change.

What molecule carries most of the carbon in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the molecule that carries most of the carbon in the atmosphere.

What happens to the atmosphere during cellular respiration?

oxygen is added to the atmosphere when plants take in carbon dioxide during cellular respiration

Does Soils emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Yes, I think soil can emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The process of decay releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

The process of decay releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

What happens when there is great amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas which is causing Global Warming. When there is a great amount of it in the atmosphere, then it absorbs a great amount of heat. This makes Global Warming worse.