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When a plant is cross-pollinated, pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of a different plant, leading to the fertilization of the ovules. This can result in increased genetic diversity in the offspring and potentially lead to new traits or characteristics. Cross-pollination can also enhance the overall health and adaptability of plant populations.

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Q: What happens when a plant is cross pollinated?
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What happens if a plant doesn't get pollinated?

If a plant doesn't get pollinated, it may not be able to produce fruits or seeds. This can result in reduced yield, poor crop quality, and ultimately affect the plant's ability to reproduce. Some plants may also exhibit abnormal growth or development if they are not pollinated.

Is a sampaguita self or cross pollinated?

self pollinated

What happens when most cross-pollinated crops are self-pollinated for several generations?

you'd get a uniform genetic composition for good or bad. you can get a uniform crop or you may get inbreeding problems

Why is corn a cross pollinated crop?

Because when corn self-pollinates over a few generations it becomes an inbred, and loses vigor, size, and overall plant health. So to keep the plants healthy they need to be either hybrids or open-pollinated so that most of the silks get pollinated by a different plant.

Can cilantro be self pollinated?

Cilantro is a self-fertile plant, which means it has the ability to self-pollinate. However, it is primarily wind-pollinated, so cross-pollination can also occur with the help of insects.

Which would most likely need to happen for a new plant to grow?

The new plant if cross pollinated need to have its pollinators at that place for its success to grow and multiply.

How is poppy plant to be pollinated?

Poppy plants are primarily pollinated by insects, especially bees. When bees visit the poppy flowers in search of nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower to another, leading to cross-pollination and seed formation in the poppy plant.

Is sesame a self pollinated or cross pollinated crop?

Sesame is primarily a self-pollinated crop, as it has perfect flowers that contain both male and female reproductive organs. However, some cross-pollination may occur due to wind or insects.

The best definition of a true-breeding plant is one that?

A true-breeding plant is one that produces offspring with the same traits as the parent when self-pollinated or cross-pollinated with another true-breeding plant. This indicates that the plant is homozygous for a particular trait and will consistently pass on that trait to its offspring.

How did Mendel make sure that some plant cross pollinated?

He took it upon himself to pollinate the plants by bringing the pollen of one plant to the pollen of another different plant, forcing cross-pollination.

Is a relationship between a plant and it's pollinated mutualistic?

yes, because they both benefit .the Bee get the nectar from the plant and other plants get pollinated

What happens to a pollinated flower?

it dies