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Insulin is a hormone that causes cells to absorb and store glucose. When the body fails to produce sufficient insulin, or the insulin is ineffective, the body cannot store glucose, and can become lethargic. Diabetes is the name for the condition where insulin is not functioning properly.

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2w ago

When a cell has too little insulin, it can lead to high blood sugar levels because insulin helps cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream. This can result in symptoms such as excessive thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and weight loss. Over time, consistently high blood sugar levels can damage organs and lead to complications like nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, and kidney problems.

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16y ago

When a person can no longer produce insulin (or enough insulin) they have diabetes. Specifically Type 1 diabetes is the inability to make insulin.

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13y ago

Insulin helps control the blood sugar. So when a body can't produce insulin the level of blood sugar rises above normal.

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13y ago

When a cell has too little insulin, or it is unable to use the insulin it does get, it is unable to utilize the glucose in the blood, and it starves.

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12y ago

Diseases, such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, result.

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13y ago

shaking, spacing out, and if a lot is absent, you could pass out

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Considering his diabetes, usually insulin. But there are probably other things too, like a cell phone or a wallet.

If using a tuberculin syringe instead of insulin syringe-how much insulin should i draw up?

Do not use a TB syringe for your insulin. The standard these days is for insulin to be 100 units per mL, which would seem to measure the same, but the syringes are calibrated differently and they are not always equivalent. There's a high likelihood you'll take too much or too little, and this deficit or excess can really add up if you're taking insulin a few times per day. If you're not sure, take your insulin and your syringes to your doctor, a local urgent care, or maybe a pharmacy and get help from a professional; it's too easy to overdose or underdose if you don't understand your medication.

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