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It will depend on which cells are damaged and the extent/nature of the damage.

Sublethal damage is when the damage does not kill the cell. This may result in the accumulation of water or another substance (eg. hydro pic or fatty degeneration). If the cell is lethally damaged, it will undergo necrosis.

If large areas of cells are damaged, the surrounding cells usually react by undergoing mitosis (depending on the tissue type in question). If large enough areas undergo irreversible damage, the tissue will become necrotic and organ disease or failure may result.
It depends how severely they are injured
It depends how serious the damage is.
they will dIE

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Q: What happens to the tissues organs and organ systems these cells are damage or disease?
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What happens to the tissues organs and organ systems if these cells are damaged or diseased?

If cells are damaged or diseased, it can lead to dysfunction of tissues, organs, and organ systems. Some possible consequences include impaired tissue function, organ failure, or disruption of bodily functions. The severity and specific effects depend on the type and extent of the damage or disease.

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In Gaucher disease, the specific type of lipid that accumulates is called a glucosylceramide. Deficient activity of an enzyme called beta-glucosidase results in glucosylceramide accumulation throughout the body and damage to normal tissues and organs.

What happens to the tissues organs and organ system if the cells are damaged or diseased?

All living things have a certain amount of ability for repair themselves from disease and damage, ranging from recovery from the common cold to certain lizards that can actually regrow a tail if it gets cut off. If the damage or disease is beyond the capability of the body to repair, it will manifest and cause further problems resulting in a disability or death.

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Bacteria can cause disease by releasing toxins that damage cells and tissues in the infected organism. These toxins can lead to inflammation, cell death, and disruption of normal bodily functions, ultimately resulting in disease symptoms.

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Diabetes has a tendency to damage the blood vessels. When this happens, the tissues become oxygen deprived and gangrene can set in.

Differennce between rheumatiod arthritis and osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a disease that happens as a result of wear and tear or traumatic damage to joints or perhaps in some cases genetic factors to do with flaws in the way joints are built.Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Auto immune disease. With this disease the immune system mistakenly attacks cartilage and similar tissue through out the body leading to joint disability and possible damage to a number of other tissues and organs in the body. If RA s suspected immediate treatment should be considered as this disease can be crippling.

How can you describe two ways that bacteria cause disease?

Bacteria can cause disease by producing toxins that damage host cells or interfere with normal cellular function. Additionally, bacteria can invade host tissues and disrupt normal physiological processes, leading to inflammation and tissue damage.

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touching your eyes, mouth,and noise with your hand

What is the difference of DJD and rheumatoid arthritis?

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What do you think will happen to organs if there tissues are injured or diseased?

Since plant cells are bestowed with power of regeneration, these are capable of repair the injured and many a times the diseased cells. Thus, organ system get repaired, if the impact is sustainable.