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the organs will not function well.

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8mo ago

When a tissue or organ is damaged, the body's natural healing process is triggered. Depending on the severity of the damage, the tissue or organ may undergo inflammation, cell regeneration, or scar formation in order to repair itself. If a cell within an organ system is damaged or diseased, it can disrupt the normal functioning of that system, potentially leading to various health issues or diseases associated with that particular organ system.

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Q: What happens to the tissue organ when it is damaged and organ systems if this cell are damaged or deseased?
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Damaged tissue can be repaired by fibroblasts, which are a type of connective tissue cell. Fibroblasts produce collagen and other extracellular matrix components to rebuild the damaged tissue and restore its structural integrity.

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The brain has limited ability to repair itself, and the extent of recovery depends on the severity and location of the damage. In cases of mild injury, the brain can sometimes repair itself over several weeks to months. However, severe damage may result in permanent neurological deficits. Rehabilitation efforts, such as physical therapy or speech therapy, can help promote recovery.

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What replaces amitotic tissue when they are damaged?

Amitotic tissues do not undergo cell division to replace damaged cells. Instead, they rely on surrounding cells to migrate and fill in the damaged area to repair the tissue. This repair process is slower and may not fully restore the tissue to its original state.

What happens to the tissues organs and organ systems if these cells are damaged or diseased?

If cells are damaged or diseased, it can lead to dysfunction of tissues, organs, and organ systems. Some possible consequences include impaired tissue function, organ failure, or disruption of bodily functions. The severity and specific effects depend on the type and extent of the damage or disease.

What replaces muscle or nervous tissue if damaged?

The common term is "scar tissue".

Is a scar permanently damaged tissue?

Yes, a scar is formed when the body repairs damaged tissue. While it is permanent, scars can fade over time and become less noticeable with proper care and treatment.