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Q: What happens to the shell as you go down the period?
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What happens to the radius of an atom as you go from the 7th period to the 1st period?

It increases.

What happens to the atomic number as you go across a period?

The atomic number increases as one go across a period.

What happens to to the number of energy levels or shells as you move from left to right across rows or periods in the period table?

As you go down the horizontal rows, the energy levels increase.

What happens to a snail if it drinks lots of beer?

Apparently they forget where there own house is and sleep outside of there shell. And they go having sex with slugs. Similar to what happens with humans. :-)

What happens when your period lasts 5 weeks?

If your period has lasted this long, you should go to the doctor or gynaecologist as soon as you can to get checked out.

What happens when a sever goes down?

you cant go on the internet

How does ionization energy of elements in the same period change?

Ionization energy increases as you go across a period, but as you go down a group it decreases.

What happens to the atomic number as you go down the group?

The atomic number increases as you go down a group on the periodic table. This is because each element in a group has one more electron and proton than the element above it, leading to an increase in atomic number.

What happens after a female dog has her period?

Nothing they go back to their happy normal selves

Your period is heavy and will not stop can you go swimming?

no you can not go swimming when your period is heavy. When it is at they very end and its not that heavy your period will not stop in the water, but will be held back. Also, if you go swimming and you have your period when you get out of the pool it might start to drip down your leg.

How are the elements in the periods in the periodic table related?

As you go down a group, the number of electrons in the outer shell is the same.

What happen to electorinic structure group1 and 7 as you go down?

the group number is the number of electrons in the outside shell.