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pV = nRT ← General Gas Law

rearranging to solve the pressure gives us:

p = nRT/V

doubling the volume gives: p = nRT/2V

This means that the pressure will be halved.

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Q: What happens to the pressure of a sample gas if you double the volume and no change in the Kelvin temperature?
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What happens to the pressure of gas when the volume is doubled and no change in Kelvin temperature?

According to Boyle's Law, when the volume of a gas is doubled with no change in Kelvin temperature, the pressure of the gas will be halved. This is because pressure and volume are inversely proportional in a gas at constant temperature.

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Is kelvin the measurement of temperature?

Kelvin (K) is the temperature scale on which absolute zero is 0°, water freezes at 273.15°, and water boils at 373.15° in a pressure of one atmosphere. A change of 1° K is equal to a change of 1° C or a change of 1.8° F.

How do you change kelvin temperature into Celsius?

To convert Kelvin to Celsius, you simply subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature. The formula is: Celsius = Kelvin - 273.15.

If the temperature changes by K by how much does it change in Celsius?

To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, simply subtract 273.15 from the temperature in Kelvin. So if the temperature changes by K in Kelvin, it will also change by K in Celsius.

What is the fundamental until of temperature in the metric system?

The kelvin. a change of one (degree) kelvin is the same as a change of one degree Celsius (one hundredth of the difference between the freezing and boiling points of water at Standard pressure.

What temperature does liquid water change into ice in degrees Kelvin?

273.15 kelvin because 1 ATM is reffering to the normal atmospheric pressure so it is the normal freezing point converted to kelvin Rob

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remains constant

Is the smallest change in temperature represents by Kelvin?

No, the smallest change in temperature is represented by a Kelvin is the same as in Celsius, as one Kelvin is equivalent to one Celsius degree. The Kelvin scale is the same size as the Celsius scale but begins at absolute zero.

How many degrees Kelvin is equal to 0 degrees Centigrade?

273.15 K = 0 celcius or "centigrade".Kelvin is a temperature scale in which zero occurs at absolute zero and a change in temperature of one kelvin degree is equal to a temperature change of one celsius degree.At standard atmospheric pressure water freezes at 273.15 K (0o C) and boils at 373.15 K (100o C).

How a change in temperature of 1 differs on the fahrenheitcelsiusand kelvin temperature scales?

-- A change of 1 on the Kelvin and Celsius scales is the same change. -- A change of 1 on the Fahrenheit scale is only 5/9 as much.

If the temperature changes by 100k by how much does it change in celsius?

To convert kelvin to celsius, you need to subtract 273.15 from the temperature in kelvin. Therefore, a change of 100K is equivalent to a change of 100°C in celsius.