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The pressure increases, and the molecules collide with the football's inner surface.

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When a closed can is heated the pressure inside. this happens when?

When a closed can is heated, the molecules inside the can gain energy and move faster, leading to an increase in pressure. This happens because the increase in temperature causes the molecules to collide more frequently with the walls of the can, exerting more force and increasing the pressure inside.

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Adding more air molecules to a balloon increases the number of collisions between the molecules and the balloon walls, thereby increasing the pressure inside the balloon. This increase in air pressure causes the balloon to expand until the pressure inside matches the pressure outside.

Does temperature affect the amount of air in a football?

Yes, temperature can affect the pressure of the air inside a football. When the temperature increases, the air molecules inside the football expand, causing an increase in pressure. Conversely, a decrease in temperature can result in a decrease in pressure. It is important to regulate and adjust the pressure of the football accordingly to maintain proper inflation levels.

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from the gas laws and Charles 2nd law, it can be concluded that pressure is directly proportional to temperature..hence if the temp decreases; pressure also decreases as the kinetic energy of the molecules decreases; the collisions decrease hence pressure of the molecules inside the container decrease.

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When a balloon is heated, the molecules inside gain kinetic energy and move faster. This causes the molecules to push against the walls of the balloon more vigorously, increasing the pressure inside the balloon. If the balloon is heated too much, it can expand or even burst due to the increased pressure.

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Is the pressure inside a football is caused by the air particles inside the ball crashing into the wall of a football?

The pressure inside a football is caused by the air particles inside the ball being compressed by the addition of increasing amounts of air. The standard PSI of a professional football is 13 psi (Pounds per square inch).

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The collision of molecules of a fluid inside the surface of their container can be described as pressure. The impact of the molecules colliding with the container walls creates a force per unit area, which is what we perceive as pressure. This pressure is dependent on factors like temperature, volume, and the number of molecules in the container.

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When a balloon has a leak, the pressure inside the balloon decreases as the gas molecules escape through the leak. This results in the balloon deflating and becoming smaller in size.

What happens to a ballon when you inflate it?

When you inflate a balloon, you are adding air to it which increases the pressure inside. The pressure from the air molecules pushes against the elastic walls of the balloon, causing it to expand and inflate.

What happens when you put an plastic bottle in the freezer over night?

It should get pushed in slightly as the molecules are moving slower therefore the pressure inside is reduced