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The metallic characters increases as we going down the group its happen due to very high ionization energy values .

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3mo ago

As you go down a group in the Periodic Table, metallic characteristics increase. This is because atomic size increases, leading to a decrease in ionization energy and electronegativity. These trends make elements more likely to lose electrons and exhibit metallic properties such as malleability, ductility, and good electrical conductivity.

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13y ago

They become more metallic

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Q: What happens to the metallic characteristics as you go down the group?
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The metallic character of alkali earth metals increases as you go down a group because the outermost electron is further away from the nucleus, leading to weaker attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons. This results in easier loss of electrons and higher reactivity, characteristics of metallic behavior.

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Metallic nature increases down a group because as you move down, the number of electron shells increases, leading to the outer electrons being further away from the nucleus. This results in greater atomic size and shielding of the outer electrons from the attractive force of the nucleus, decreasing the effective nuclear charge experienced by the outer electrons, making it easier for them to be lost and exhibit metallic characteristics.

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Elements tend to become more metallic as you go down a group. This is because as you move down a group, the number of electron shells increases, resulting in weaker attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons, making it easier for the atoms to lose electrons and show metallic properties.

What is the trend in ionic character of the group 2 compounds going down the group?

The ionic character increases for group 2 compounds as we go down the group. The metallic character also increases.

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The first. Going down metallicity decreases.

Do elements become more metallic when you go down groups?

an element becomes more metallic as you travel down a group. it becomes less metallic as you travel from left to right across a period.

Which element has the greatest metallic character?

Metallic character increases as one transitions down and right through the periodic table. By definition, francium (Fr) would be the most metallic, but only extremely small amounts of it exist at any given time, thereby rendering caesium (Cs) as the most metallic element.

As you go down a group the elements generally become more or less metallic?

As you go down a group on the periodic table, elements generally become more metallic. This is because the number of electron shells increases down the group, leading to greater distance between the nucleus and the outer electrons. As a result, the outer electrons are less strongly attracted to the nucleus, making the elements more metallic.