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The volume decrease.

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Q: What happens to the mean free path of the molecules in this process if a helium filled balloon initially at room temperature is placed in a freezer will its volume increase decrease or remain the same?
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When energy is transferred to molecules and they move faster does temperature increase or decrease?


When energy is converted to molecules and they move faster does temperature increase or decrease?

As molecules move faster, they cause friction, which increases the temperature of the molecules.

How do you increase or decrease the movment of molecules?

Molecules react to thermal energy, or heat, as well as pressure. When you increase the temperature of molecules, they will increase their vibration and movement. Pressure can also allow molecules to move from one area to another.

How does temperature change the density in water?

As temperature increases, water molecules gain energy and move faster, causing them to spread out and increase in volume, resulting in a decrease in density. Conversely, as temperature decreases, water molecules slow down and come closer together, leading to a decrease in volume and an increase in density.

How will a pressure increase affect a gaseous system?

An increase in pressure will cause the gas molecules to be compressed closer together, which will increase the frequency of collisions between molecules. This can lead to an increase in temperature and a decrease in volume of the gas.

What is the movement of atoms in a liquid during a temperature changes both increases and decreases?

When the temperature of a liquid increases, the atoms move more rapidly, leading to an increase in kinetic energy and an expansion of the liquid. Conversely, when the temperature decreases, the atoms slow down, reducing kinetic energy and causing the liquid to contract.

As you get higher in the atmosphere does the temperature increase or decrease?

As you go higher in the atmosphere, the temperature generally decreases. This is because the atmosphere becomes less dense and there are fewer molecules to retain heat.

Do volcanic eruption increase or decrease the temperature of the earth?


Does water always have the same energy?

No. The energy you might be referring to is kinetic energy which is the energy possessed by individual water molecules. An increase in kinetic energy will be percieved as and increase in temperature. Similarly a decrease in kinetic energy will be percieved as a decrease in temperature.

When a volume of air is compressed its temperature does it increase or decrease or neither?

When a volume of air is compressed, its temperature increases due to an increase in kinetic energy of the air molecules. This is because the compression process causes the air molecules to be crowded closer together, leading to collisions that result in an increase in temperature.

As the temperature of a fixed volume of a gas increases the pressure will?


How does temperature affect the volume of substance?

An increase in temperature will cause an increase in volume, while a decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in volume.