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Q: What happens to the internal structure of steel when it is magnetized?
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What happens to the internal structure of a piece of steel when it is magnatized?

It aligns the molecules

If a nail is made of steel will it be magnetized why?

Yes, if a nail is made of steel, it will will not be magnetized unless it is magnetized by a magnet by being hit.

What materials can be magnetized and why?

Materials that can be magnetized are usually those that contain magnetic elements like iron, nickel, and cobalt. This is because the atoms in these materials have unpaired electrons that align in a consistent direction to create a magnetic field. Other materials, like steel and some alloys, can also be magnetized due to their composition and atomic structure.

Would a North Pole attract a piece of steel?

Doubt it because the piece of steel is not magnetized.

Does steel attract steel?


What happens when a bar of steel cools down?

When a bar of steel cools down, its atoms lose kinetic energy, causing them to move slower and come closer together. This results in the steel contracting or shrinking in size. The cooling process can also affect the steel's internal structure, potentially leading to changes in its properties such as hardness or strength.

How do you magnetize a screwdriver?

Rub it against a magnet repeatedly. * The screwdriver can only be magnetized if made from steel or another magnetic metal, and most of them are. * Once magnetized, the screwdriver will remain magnetized always.

Can magnets be made of steel?

Most steels can be magnetized, but not all. Some stainless steel alloys are not magnetic.

Will a magnetized screwdriver attrat steel screws?

Yes, a magnetized screwdriver will attract steel screws. The magnetization of the screwdriver helps to hold the screws in place and can make it easier to install them.

What magnetized steel needle that aligns with the magnetic of the earth is a?

A compass needle is a magnetized steel needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field. Its use allows for determining directions such as north, south, east, and west.

Why does a steel ship become magnetized as it is constructed?

A steel ship can become magnetized during construction due to the magnetic fields generated by electric currents used in welding and other processes. As the steel cools down in the presence of these magnetic fields, it can retain some magnetization.

What happens on a molecular level when tempering steel?

When tempering steel, it is heated to a specific temperature and then cooled rapidly to increase its hardness and toughness. This process allows the steel to undergo a transformation in its microstructure, where the carbon atoms redistribute to form a more uniform crystal structure, removing internal stresses and improving the metal's properties.