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Q: What happens to the elevation when the crust thickens?
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What is the rising of regions of the earths crust higher elevation?

tectonic plates

When Earth's crust slowly springs back to its origanal elevation it is called?


What happens to the leading edges of convergent plates as they collide?

This depends on what material (oceanic crust or continental crust) the leading edges are made of. When Continental crust hits Continental crust (eg India ploughing into Asia) the crust thickens by thrusting and folding and a mountain belt forms (the Himalayas). There is little or no volcanic activity associated with this sort of collision. When Oceanic crust meets Continental crust (eg the Pacific plate and the west coast of South America), the oceanic crust sinks below the continental crust forming an oceanic trench on the oceanic side (a subduction zone) and a mountain belt on the continental side (by folding and uplift). This sort of collision produces a large amount of volcanic activity. When Oceanic Crust meets Oceanic Crust, the actively spreading side sinks below the stationary side to form a back arc basin associated with island arcs and subduction zones (eg the Caribbean or the east of Papua New Guinea). This sort of collision also involves a large amount of volcanic activity.

What happens when layers of eath crust crack and move?

An Earthquake

Is continental crust made of rocks such as granite?

Yes, continental crust is primarily composed of granitic rocks such as granite. This type of rock is less dense than the basaltic rocks found in oceanic crust, which contributes to the higher elevation of continental landmasses.

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It thickens and turns into a gel

What is the sinking of regions of the earths crust lower elevation called?


The rising of Earth's crust to higher elevation is called?

Mountain building

What is the rising of regions of the earths crust higher elevation?

tectonic plates

What is the thickness is the Earth's crust?

The Earth's oceanic crust is very thin at the mid-ocean ridges, and gradually thickens as it moves away from the ridges. The continental crust is thickest under mountain ranges. The average depth of oceanic crust is around 5 miles. The average depth of continental crust is 22 miles.

What is the height of the earth's crust?

The highest point of the Earth's crust is to be found at the top of Mt. Everest which has an elevation of 8,848 metres.

When the earth's crust slowly springs back to its original elevation this is called?


When the earth's crust springs back to its original elevation it is called?

it is called rebound.

When Earth's crust slowly springs back to its origanal elevation it is called?


When the Earth's crust slowly spring back to its original elevation is called?

it is called rebound.

How far away are is the upper mantle to the crust?

The upper mantle lies below the Earth's crust and extends down to a depth of about 400 kilometers (250 miles). This boundary is known as the Mohorovičić discontinuity or Moho, which marks the separation between the crust and the mantle.

Why does the erosion take place in the crust?

Erosion happens in the earths crust and it happens because of that layer is exposed to that weather