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The species that were kept in control by the predators start over populating and upset the balance of the ecosystem

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13y ago

Then the food chain will fall apart. The animal the predator consumes would then overpopulate.

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Q: What happens to the ecosystem when predators leave?
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What is the predators in a jetty ecosystem?

Predators in a jetty ecosystem can include species like larger fish, seabirds, and marine mammals such as seals or sea lions. These predators play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by controlling the populations of other species, such as smaller fish or invertebrates.

Does an organism without predators harm an ecosystem?

Yes, an organism without predators can harm an ecosystem by disrupting the balance of the food chain. Without natural predators to control their population, the organism can overpopulate and outcompete other species for resources, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and potential ecosystem collapse.

What will help balance an ecosystem with a lot of rabbits?

Predators of rabbits, to keep the ecosystem in balance. For example, foxes and snakes

Does the number of squirrels an ecosystem can support depend on how many predators eat them?

No. The number of a species supported by and ecosystem depends on how much food is available in the ecosystem. If the population (squirrels) exceeds the food supply then some of the population will die. Predators are a factor in controlling population size.

What happens to waste and dead animals in the marine ecosystem?

Waste and dead animals in the marine ecosystem are broken down by decomposers like bacteria and fungi. This process recycles nutrients back into the ecosystem, supporting the growth of primary producers like algae and phytoplankton. Dead animals also provide a food source for scavengers and predators in the ocean.

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How do pandas survive their predators?

The giant panda, as an adult, is the largest mammal in its ecosystem and has no predators.

How Do Owls Keep An Ecosystem Balanced?

Owls are typically the top predators in an ecosystem, eating mice, etc. Predators are needed to regulate the other populations and keep the ecosystem at equilibrium.

What happens to invasive species?

Invasive species disrupt the natural order of an area. They do not have natural predators, hunt and kill animals that would feed the predators native to an area, and in some cases, can cause a complete collapse of the local ecosystem.

Why does presence of predators help keep an ecosystem stable?

The predators keep prey populations balanced.

What is the predators in a jetty ecosystem?

Predators in a jetty ecosystem can include species like larger fish, seabirds, and marine mammals such as seals or sea lions. These predators play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by controlling the populations of other species, such as smaller fish or invertebrates.

Does an organism without predators harm an ecosystem?

Yes, an organism without predators can harm an ecosystem by disrupting the balance of the food chain. Without natural predators to control their population, the organism can overpopulate and outcompete other species for resources, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and potential ecosystem collapse.

What enables an animals to survive in an ecosystem?

Animals find shelter in the ecosystem. The animals are predators. They use the resources they have.

Why doe the presence of predators help keep an ecosystem stable?

The predators keep prey populations balanced.

How do pandas get away from predators?

They do not have any specific predators, they are the largest animal in their ecosystem. This means they do not have to get away from anything.

How does the presence of predators help keep an ecosystem stable?

The predators keep prey populations balanced.

In a certain ecosystem owls are predators for mice. The owl population increases and they eat more mice. This causes the mouse population to decrease. What happens next?

the population of owls decreases

What will help balance an ecosystem with a lot of rabbits?

Predators of rabbits, to keep the ecosystem in balance. For example, foxes and snakes